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That Printer of Udell’s
The book that changed the course of Ronald Reagan’s life…
Has someone crossed your path recently who might have needed your help? Were you paying attention closely enough to have noticed? This wonderful book from Harold Bell Wright is just as relevant in this century as it was to those to whom he was writing over 100 years ago. That tramp printer who ends up working for George Udell has much to teach us about living by an honor code. According to President Ronald Reagan, “That Printer of Udell’s had an impact I shall always remember… The term ‘role model’ was not a familiar term in that time and place. But I realize I found a role model in that traveling printer whom Harold Bell Wright had brought to life. He set me on a course I’ve tried to follow even unto this day. I shall always be grateful.”
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More Than Conqueror
He had always been a bully at school. In fact, he rather prided himself on it...