Battle, The


(7 customer reviews)

Through circumstances beyond their control, the Roby family find themselves separated, left to fend for themselves through unforeseen trials. Will they skillfully wield the sword as they have been taught? Jostled in the rough thoroughfare of the world, Aleck is forced to obey promptly, act decidedly, and expose himself fearlessly and freely. What he needs most is a quick hand, a ready eye, and a gallant heart! Just as the thunderous waves threaten to swallow him up, he sees a life-boat in the midst of the storm! Sequel to The Giant Killer, this story unveils the obstacles we face each day, both from within and without, and challenges us in the midst of the battle to think of the victory--and consider the crown!

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7 reviews for Battle, The

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    The Battle Great book! I am glad to have the Lamplighter books and the lessons within them to read to my kids. Very rich in character building and teaching of virtue and faith in our Savior, Jesus.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Highly Recommended I gave this book as a gift. Read mine and am so grateful for the victory over poor character that I gave it to a 13 yr old as a sequel to the Giant Killer. Keep the good books coming!

  3. anonymous (verified owner)

    Must Read! This is the continued story of the Robys and the Probyns from The Giant Killer. As expected, this book was engaging, challenging and convicting. Whenever I read a Lamplighter book, I always receive spiritual nourishment.

  4. anonymous (verified owner)

    Recommended Very good book

  5. anonymous (verified owner)

    I Loved It Up building character and convicting, the author really knows her Bible and paints a helpful picture for children of the Christian walk! Highly recommend this book!

  6. anonymous (verified owner)

    The Battle Good story for older children. A bit deep for young children. Appreciate it.

  7. anonymous (verified owner)

    An Inspiring Story This precious story will forever be endeared to me as an encouragement to rise above circumstances and honour the King of All!
    Watching the Roby family struggle with so many difficult changes all at once, watching them struggle with their own personal feelings, and, ultimately, seeing them in earnest prayer to conquer their giants, was a huge blessing.

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