Life Transforming Seminars – Volumes 1,2, & 3 – MP3 Download
Vol. 1
The Strong-Willed Child PARENT!
“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Our children need to hear the beating of our hearts rather than the beating of our voices. Join Mark as he relates his experiences as a shepherd and shares an important lesson that becoming a shepherd involves more than simply owning sheep.
Life-Transforming Literature
It has been said that you will be the same five years from now as you are today, except for the people you meet and the books you read! Until the age of 22, even while administering a Christian school, Mark Hamby had never read a book. In fact, he despised reading. Yet God had a plan for his life; Mark began to fill his empty vessel with truths from some of the most unique literature ever written. You will you laugh and cry as he passionately shares how literature transformed his life.
Resolved Conflicts and Restored Relationships
Join us as we study the conflicts and restoration of an Old Testament family and the significant lesson that changed a man, a family, and an entire nation! Based on the insecurities of Jacob, his rival relationship with his brother, and the lack of relationship between his mother and father, the stage is set for a life of deception – particularly self – deception. Parents will come face – to – face with hidden fears that have blinded and shackled them. Receive and then give the most important gift your child needs.
Let God’s Creatures Be the Teachers
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His hand at work.” Join Mark as he presents God’s animal kingdom through the lens of well – known scriptures and wonderfully unique – and amusing – shepherding experiences. Discover how God’s creatures become the teachers! Be inspired, refreshed, and encouraged to glorify God by enjoying Him!
Image is Everything
Children learn more from our walk than our words. Why, then, is there so little emphasis on modeling and an over – emphasis on instruction? Reconsider the essential ministry of image bearing, where a husband dwells with his wife according to knowledge, loving her as Christ loved the Church, and she is that woman in whom he safely trusts. Model biblical manhood and biblical womanhood and lay a foundation that will lead a child toward a purposeful and satisfied life.
Vol. 2
Laziness: There is a Lioin Outside
In this seminar, we will explore the four root causes of laziness and its time – tested remedies. A slothful person, according to Solomon, “will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.” But “show me a man diligent in his work and he shall stand before kings!” (Proverbs 22:29)
The Eighth Blessing
The eighth blessing is the key that unlocks understanding for spiritual growth and provides clear direction for Christians. Turn fear to confidence, hate to love, cloudiness to clarity, judgment to mercy, sternness to gentleness, and strife to peace.
The Education of a Child
Gleaning from the 17th – century wisdom of Fenelon, Mark will present a “radical reversal” to our traditional approach to a biblical education. Commissioned to educate the incorrigible grandson of King Louis XIV, Francois Fenelon wrote one of the greatest educational treatises ever written.
Lord Help Me!
Join us as we study the conflicts and restoration of an Old Testament family and the significant lesson that changed a man, a family, and an entire nation! Based on the insecurities of Jacob, his rival relationship with his brother, and the lack of relationship between his mother and father, the stage is set for a life of deception – particularly self – deception. Parents will come face – to – face with hidden fears that have blinded and shackled them. Receive and then give the most important gift your child needs.
Uniquely Used of God
Based on the life of Ehud the Benjamite and King Eglon the Moabite, Mark will unveil the unique strategy that God used to prepare his servant to become a skilled and strategic warrior, worshipper, and wise-hearted servant. In this seminar we will look at a child’s natural abilities and the instructive insights that are necessary to prepare our children for God’s ultimate purpose and calling. This seminar promises to be an eye opener for all ages.
The Triumphant Teen
Mark captivates the hearts and minds of teens as they investigate the qualities that lead to true greatness in the eyes of God. Through laughter, tears, and soul searching, teens leave this session with clear direction on how to lead a purposeful life based on humility. Over 1000 teens heard this session at the Disneyland Convention Center, and several hundred teens made decisions to influence their culture rather than allowing their culture to influence them.
Vol. 3
Relief or Cure?
Too often today, we will do almost anything to escape the pain of broken relationships, marital strife, a difficult child, a character weakness, or a hidden sin. However, finding relief from sin, instead of obtaining cleansing is a cruel trap. Relief from sin allows me to be comfortably separated from God. Peace does not come in capsules! Join Mark as he explores the concept of walking in “light’ which restores fellowship with one another and purifies the soul. The decision is up to you: continue to live behind the mask of heartache or come into the light where Christ will set you free.
Removing the Mountains of Offense & The Withered Fig Tree
The eighth blessing is the key that unlocks understanding for spiritual growth and provides clear direction for Christians. Turn fear to confidence, hate to love, cloudiness to clarity, judgment to mercy, sternness to gentleness, and strife to peace.
Set Your House in Order
A study of Hezekiah through Jehoiachin, II Kings, II Chronicles, Jeremiah 22 & 52, and Matthew 1. This is a study on passing down family values, mentoring, and redemption from past mistakes.
Jonah and the Cows
The book of Jonah is not about Jonah and the whale, but Jonah and the cows. Discover the root causes of anger and depression, and why life can lose its flavor. Once you “udderstand” why the cows were crying, you will never again need to face the drowning waters of despair.
Four Styles of Parenting
An in – depth look at four parenting styles: Dictatorial, Detached, Enmeshed, and Indulgent, will reveal some of the root causes of childhood apathy, depression and rebellion. This insightful session will help parents see the effects of their particular style of parenting, and how it may be cultivating four types of foolishness in children. Teens will also benefit from these insights as they learn that their parent’s failures are not an excuse for irresponsible behavior. Biblical and present – day examples of each of these styles will be illustrated, and the consequences and steps needed to break these patterns of harmful behavior will be addressed.
Character to the Core
Focusing on a child’s outward behavior and disciplining for the purpose of modifying a child’s actions will lead to hypocrisy and distort reality. Wise parents and teachers will learn to build character through the cultivation of biblical values and virtues. Through the seminar, gain greater confidence in preparing children for a purposeful, skillful, and worthy life.
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