Little Dauphin, The (limited edition)


(2 customer reviews)
The Little Dauphin (a re-release title)

This sobering story is not for the young or fainthearted. Within its pages we see a unique account of the tumultuous years of the French Revolution written with corroboration of the jailers themselves. The Little Dauphin depicts the extremes of human character, from callous heartlessness to enduring courage. From the little Dauphin and his honorable father, we can learn to endure suffering and heartbreak with honor and humility, submitting ourselves to the will of the Lord, before whom one day every knee shall bow.

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2 reviews for Little Dauphin, The (limited edition)

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    The Little Dauphin I am fascinated by the French Revolution so I was delighted to get this book. It was enlightening as to how badly the royal family was actually treated.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Great Story of a Little Prince I bought this little book a few years ago and it’s something I can read again and again. The story is sad, but it also reveals the darkness of the human heart and how that can affect society. I am always moved by the little prince’s faith and devotion throughout the story, especially in the end.
    One of my friends is French, and so I am going to give this to her.

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