Escape From The Eagle’s Nest
Brought up in the wilds of India, Walter is called to a life of self-denial and devotion to the natives of India and Afghanistan, many known to be thieves and cutthroats. He forms an unlikely partnership with Dermot Denis, a wealthy Irishman in search of adventure.
Peril abounds as they determine to cross India’s border, where their true character is brought to light. Dermot boasts that he revels in danger, but Walter lives with the “sentence of death in himself already, that he should not trust in himself, but in God, who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9). For a gripping story that will help shape your understanding of a Christian’s responsibility to the Islamic culture, search no further than Escape from the Eagle’s Nest.
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8 reviews for Escape From The Eagle's Nest
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anonymous (verified owner) –
Thankful I have been purchasing these Lamplighter titles for a few years now and never has a book let me down. The bulk of my purchases are given to our Family Resource Library in our Children’s Hospital for our patients and their families. The praise of these books comes from the mouths of our patient families. They rave about them and how blessed they are to have them as part of a collection. Many a times the Librarians will even allow families to keep duplicate titles. So the work of the Gospel goes on the young and their families.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Highly Recommended I bought this book for my 14 year old grandson, Timothy.
The day he got it in the mail, he started reading it and was done in two days. He loved it. I think that is the best review one could give.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Excellent Read! Excellent book about perseverance and blind trust in the Lord in the midst of extreme trial. Wonderful lessons in how to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute and spitefully use and abuse you. A book that will inspire a person of any age to follow those biblical truths.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Escape From the Eagles Nest Excellent book !
I (mom) enjoyed it and I know my boys will too!
anonymous (verified owner) –
A Good Flight This story was an excellent one. The characters were well flashed out and the story was engaging. We enjoyed it immensely.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Recommended I enjoyed “Escape from the Eagle’s Nest,” which contained some excellent lines I was tempted to underline, and the most missional message I’ve noticed in my Lamplighter reading so far! Written by A.L.O.E. a few years after she began her own mission work in India, the story speaks of distant lands, peoples, and languages that we rarely think of in a positive light these days. Readers should be aware that the prevailing attitude of the day (that civilized Westerners are superior to the natives of Afghanistan and India) is prominently communicated by the majority of characters in the book so that they can guard against adopting that attitude themselves. The book challenges us to imitate the hero by cultivating willingness to follow where ever God’s pillar of cloud or fire may lead us, no matter the cost, a message this generation desperately needs! I pray that God will use this story to awaken His people to the desperate need of those across the oceans and in dangerous, hostile lands to hear the Good News of the Kingdom.
anonymous (verified owner) –
A Blessing This book is one of my favorites of the 8 Lamplighters that I have read so far. I love the cross cultural interactions and sharing of Christ. It is a beautiful example of trusting God, no matter the cost. No cost is greater then the worth of a soul in God’s eyes. This book holds many jewels of wisdom.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Excellent Excellent quality, as always!!