
Legacy Collection 2025 (200 titles)

Original price was: $4,280.00.Current price is: $3,325.00.

May not be combined with any other discounts.

The Legacy Collection brings 200 books together in one package! This collection includes all of our illustrated titles. If I were a young parent or grandparent, the Lamplighter Legacy Collection would be an essential part of my investment portfolio for my children’s future. The Legacy Collection will give you an eternal return on your investment as you strategically plan to build their future. . .one story at a time!

(Any titles on backorder will be sent as soon as they become available.)
Lamplighter Rare Collector books included:
Amy and Her Brothers
Ancient Paths: Negotiating Life Wisely
Anna’s Question
As many as Touch Him
Basil; Or, Honesty and Industry
Basket of Flowers
Battle, The
Bird’s Nest, The
Bishop’s Shadow
Boy of Mount Rhigi, The
Boys of Grit Who Became Men of Honour (Vol.1)
Boys of Grit Who Changed the World (Vol. 2)
Boys of Grit Who Never Gave Up (Vol.3)
Brave Heart, The
Buried in the Snow
Candle in the Window, The
Captive, The
Caroline Street
Charlie’s Choice
Chateau by the Lake, The
Children of Cloverley, The
Christie, the King’s Servant
Christie’s Old Organ
City Sparrows
Clean Your Boots, Sir?
Come What May
Comfortable Troubles
Courage of Nikolai: A Story of Russia, The
Crew of the Dolphin, The
Cross Triumphant, The
Crown of Success
Cyril Ashley: Judgment to Generosity
Daring Deeds
Dashed To Pieces
Dear Olive
Dialogues of Fenelon Vol. 1
Dialogues of Fenelon Vol. 2
Difficult Decision, A
Drawn Together Under Fire
Duel, The
Duties of Parents
Dwell Deep
Education of a Child: The Wisdom of Fenelon – Hardcover
Escape From The Eagle’s Nest
Exiles in Babylon
Faith that Is My Own, A
Faithful, but not Famous
Fastened Like Nails – Vol. 1
Fastened Like Nails – Vol. 2
Fastened Like Nails – Vol. 3
Fire in the Sky
Fireside Readings (Vol. 1)
Fireside Readings (Vol. 2)
Fireside Readings (Vol. 3)
Fishmonger: A Story for the Young Entrepreneur, The
From Press to Pulpit
Frozen Fire
Gardener’s Apprentice, The
Giant Killer, The
Girls of Courage Who Became Women of Influence
Glaucia, The Greek Slave
Golden Secret and Other Christmas Stories, The
Golden Thread, The
Grinder’s Apprentice, The
Hand on the Bridle
Haunted Room, The
Hedge of Thorns, The
Held Back
Helen’s Temper and its Consequences
Hidden Hand, The
Hidden Years of Nazareth, The
Hope On and Other Stories
House of Love
Hungering and Thirsting
Idols of the Heart
Illustrated Beggar’s Blessing, Illustrated
Illustrated Hedge of Thorns, Illustrated
Illustrated Launch the Lifeboat, Illustrated
Illustrated Silver Cup
Illustrated Teddy’s Button, Illustrated
Illustrated Three Weavers, Illustrated
Illustrated Trusty and Ingrid Fibster
Illustrated Trusty Faces His Fear
Illustrated Trusty Finds a Friend
Illustrated Trusty Gets off Track
Illustrated Trusty Makes A U-Turn
Illustrated Trusty Meets Bully Blare
Illustrated Trusty Take on the Giant
Illustrated Trusty Tries to Fly
Illustrated Trusty Turns Green
Illustrated Trusty, Tried & True
Inheritance, The
Jack the Conqueror, or Difficulties Overcome
Jessica’s First Prayer
Jewel, The
Jill’s Red Bag
Joel: A Boy of Galilee
Joseph’s Shield
Karl Jansen’s Find
Kelly Nash: Out on a Limb
King Jack
Lady Jane Grey: The Nine-Day Queen
Lamplighter, The
Least of These, The
Light in the Darkness
Little Lamb, The
Little Miss Moth
Little Preacher, The
Little Sir Galahad
Little Threads
Little Woodsman and His Dog Caesar, The
Locked Cupboard, The
Lost Clue
Lost Ruby, The
Making of a Hero, The
Man of His Word and Other Tales, A
Manchester House
Mansion, The
Mary Jones and Her Bible
Message to Garcia, A
More Than Conqueror
My Golden Ship
My Mates and I
Ned Franks: The One Armed Sailor
Old Worcester Jug, The
On My Knees
On the Edge of a Moor
Orphan Queen, The
Out of the Pit: Right of Redemption
Overtaken: The Wild Lad of London
Painted Fly, and Other Stories for the Young
Palace of Deceit
Parable of the Two Millstones, The
Passage: From Darkness to Light, The
Peace in War: An Adventure in Afghanistan
Peep Behind the Scenes, A
Phil Tyler’s Stand
Pillar of Fire, The
Pride and His Prisoners
Prisoners of the Sea
Probable Sons
Quicksand: Getting to the Bottom
Reassigned: The Sailing Orders of Harold Winter
Rescued from Egypt
Resolute: In the Face of Persecution
Rising to the Top
Robbers’ Cave, The
Rosa of Linden Castle
Runaway Darling, The
Saved at Sea
Saved By Love
Schmid’s Tales: Featuring the Unexpected Guest
Secret Bridge, The
Self Raised
Seven Days Left
Sheer Off
Shepherd of Bethlehem
Shiny Coin, The
Shipwrecked, But Not Lost
Silver Cup and Other Stories for the Young, The
Silver Keys, The
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince
Snowdrop Story and Other Tales for the Young, The
So Shall We Live
Spanish Brothers, The
Spiral Staircase, The
Standing Strong: Firm Until the End
Standing With Grace
Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross
Stepping Heavenward
Stick to the Raft
Story of Charles Ogilvie, The
Strordinary Little Maid, A
Struck By Lightning
Teddy’s Button
That Printer of Udell’s
Three Weavers, The
Throw Me Overboard
Tip Lewis
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross
Tom Watkins’ Mistake
Trapped Beneath the Surface
Treasure of the Secret Cove, The
Triumph Over Midian
True Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans
True to the Last
Unforgettable Summer, The
Village Hero, The
Walty and the Great Geyer
Wanderer in Africa, The
White Dove, The
White Gypsy, The
White Knights, The
Wide, Wide World, The
Willy’s Trunk
Winter’s Folly
Wonderful Door, The
Wrestler of Philippi, The
  • Amy and Her Brothers

    In the midst of trouble and heartache among siblings, the love of Christ can change lives forever. A family of orphaned children is guided by the steadfast endurance of the oldest sister and the cheerful hard work of the younger brother.

    Available on backorder

  • Ancient Paths: Negotiating Life Wisely

    New Release 2015! May this rare copy of wise thoughts for young men and women challenge you to take captive every thought unto the obedience of Christ.

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • Anna's Question

    Anna’s Question is a sweet story about a young girl and her quest for the beautiful land where there is no more illness or suffering. She has heard that Jesus paid the fare, but she doesn’t know the way. Who can help her find it? Anna discovers...

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • As Many as Touch Him

    Ellen is eager to join her aunt in the city to learn to be a seamstress, but the reception awaiting her is far from what she envisioned.

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  • Basil; Or, Honesty and Industry

    This story is filled with gems of truth, the value of which cannot be measured. Young Basil takes these treasures to heart and determines to live by them. He learns to pray, not that God would make him rich, but enable him to act honestly and . . .

    Only 36 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Basket of Flowers, The

    Book of the Year 1996. This first book of the Lamplighter Rare Collector Series continues to be a best-seller. James, the king's gardener, teaches his 15-year-old daughter Mary all the principles of godliness through his flowers.

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  • Battle, The

    Through circumstances beyond their control, the Roby family finds themselves separated, left to fend for themselves through unforeseen trials. Will they skillfully wield the sword as they have been taught?

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  • Bird's Nest, The

    Strength of character lies in the determination to hold on to truth regardless of circumstances or consequences. The hero in this story proves that every seemingly insignificant deed is noticed by God.

    Only 18 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Bishop's Shadow

    Tode lies and steals and cheats as if without conscience, but beneath the crime and grime is a human being capable of love.

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  • Boy of Mount Rhigi, The

    Clapham has an unusual father - a father who forces him to steal. He also has an uncommon friend named Harry, whose friendship meets the ultimate test when Clapham is forced to steal from Harry's family.

    Only 49 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Boys of Grit Who Became Men of Honour (Vol.1)

    The Boys of Grit series gives us a glimpse at the trials and circumstances that worked to shape these men while they were still young and unknown. These great men began as ordinary boys with no more opportunity than any other boy to achieve greatness.

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • Boys of Grit Who Changed the World (Vol. 2)

    Did you know that a simple blacksmith mastered twenty foreign languages primarily because he valued every spare moment of his time? Discover the accomplishments of a highly motivated young man whose entrepreneurial spirit started a revolution . . .

    Only 14 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Boys of Grit Who Never Gave Up (Vol.3)

    You can measure the strength of a man by measuring what it takes to stop him. Thomas Edison always viewed failure as being one step closer to success. The eighteen men whose lives are put on display in Boys of Grit Who Never Gave Up did not let . . .

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • Brave Heart, The

    Leo Bertram will protect his mother's honor, as well as her few possessions, at all costs - even if it means leaving the comforts of home to face the unknown perils of the fierce Arctic. Treacherous seas and ominous storms are not enough to keep him . . .

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  • Buried in the Snow

    A boy and his grandfather come face to face with their own mortality within a tomb of snow. Reliance upon God is their only option as escape is impossible. But the story does not hinge upon the question of their rescue; what captivates is . . .

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  • Candle in the Window, The

    More than anything, Tully wants to make his teacher smile. No one knows her past or the pain from which she is trying to escape. No one, that is, except Tod, the mailman who holds in his hands something far more valuable than a special delivery...

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • Captive, The

    Kidnapped by Algerian pirates, our recent graduate Anselmo finds himself on a merciless slave ship heading to the auction block in a foreign country. Having escaped the cruelty of his first master and the death grip of the desert, Anselmo is taken away…

    Only 43 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Caroline Street (originally included in A Man of His Word)

    As Susan moves into the neighborhood with her newly wedded husband, her heart aches as she glances at the half-starved, neglected children prowling like animals. She shudders at the rough, idle men and ragged women. Her assignment is clear, and with courage and wisdom her important work commences.

    Panic spreads among the people along with the raging scarlet fever. Each new crisis requires selflessness, sacrifice, and faith. Through it all, the glorious gospel brings hope and comfort during dark times. One never knows when the most miserable, vile person, when faced with great suffering, will yield to the Savior’s love.

    This simple story reminds each of us to let our light shine bright so that those in darkness may see our good works and glorify our heavenly Father.

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  • Charlie's Choice

    Charlie dreams of a life of luxury and ease - and is determined to find it. He will not be doomed to a life of toil and poverty. But will his quest for a better life doom him to far greater evils - to the danger of growing up proud and hard . . .

    Only 34 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Chateau by the Lake, The

    Mystery and love combine to bring a captivating story in The Chateau by the Lake.

    Only 32 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Children of Cloverley, The

    What means might God use to mold a boy into a man? In The Children of Cloverley, we see how God can use dire and painful events to tear a brother and a sister from their home and cast them to yonder lands to grow into useful servants of the King . . .

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  • Christie, the King's Servant

    Jack finds more at the seashore than a beautiful scene to paint. There is hope for his soul when God brings dear people across his path that were long forgotten.

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  • Christie's Old Organ

    A heartwarming story about a young boy who is on a quest to find out how his dear old friend Treffy can get to "home, sweet home." One of the most famous children's novels of the Victorian era, Christie's Old Organ continues to . . .

    Only 48 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • City Sparrows

    November 2019 New Release. Join Zetta and her brother Harry in a cold, drafty garret as they learn that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without God seeing. Follow burdened Margaret as she learns...

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • Clean Your Boots, Sir?

    How often does God use tragic and painful circumstances to mold, test, and direct believers to fashion more effective tools for His work? Robert Rightheart has to face testing at every turn of his life, but the testimony of his life reveals how . . .

    Only 36 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Come What May

    Stephen Barton and Frank Elston couldn’t be more different. Like his mother, Stephen is ruled by jealousy and tries to be impressive at Frank’s expense. Frank tries to see the good in others even when it’s to his disadvantage. Though poor, his parents’ influence is evident as Frank Elston becomes highly respected in the community through his hard work and honest dealings.

    Available on backorder

  • Comfortable Troubles

    Lucy is so close to her family that it would break her heart to be separated from them. Yet if she is to regain her health, she must leave her loved ones, along with the many responsibilities she fulfills, and try to rest . . .

    Only 43 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Courage of Nikolai: A Story of Russia, The

    Life in Russia is tense - and dangerous - during the years before the Revolution. It is a rare thing indeed to find someone as trustworthy and courageous as young Collia in this world of undercover societies and secret police. Collia bravely . . .

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  • Crew of the Dolphin, The

    The crew of the Dolphin faces great peril, being swept away in crashing waves and crushing winds. But this is not the fiercest storm they face. The insurmountable surges of greed and deceit are far worse, bringing exposure, disgrace, and ruin. Yet . . .

    Only 46 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Cross Triumphant, The

    Rich in biblical history, Mrs. Kingsley portrays the chilling events that climax at the devastating destruction of the temple in Jerusalem . In the midst of this deep tribulation, hope is birthed during one of the most tragic events in history.

    Available on backorder

  • Crown of Success, The

    Who will conquer the daunting challenges of the thief of Time, the lane of Trouble, or the brook of Bother?

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  • Cyril Ashley: Judgment to Generosity

    Through the characters of Cyril Ashley, his siblings, and their wild friend Lorenzo, we see ourselves with a bit more clarity and hope to be changed.

    Only 6 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Daring Deeds

    Compelling, true accounts of the dangerous expeditions of courageous men who dared to risk their lives for the sake of murderers, thieves, and even cannibals. Their unrelenting passion moved them onward as they shared the message of hope with . . .

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  • Dashed to Pieces

    Position and power hold no advantage as slaves and generals find themselves on equal footing, hiking treacherous mountain paths in the midst of a catastrophic flood.

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  • Dear Olive

    Marmaduke Crofton’s parting words keep ringing in Olive’s ears, “A happy life is when the inner life is adjusted so satisfactorily that it gives one no trouble.” What could this mean?

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  • Dialogues of Fenelon Vol. 1

    This wonderful devotional will bless you with simple reminders of God's grand eternal truths, His gentle counsel will help you to face the stresses of the day with a sense of joy and purpose. A simple reminder to "be content to lead a simple life . . ."

    Only 30 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Dialogues of Fenelon Vol. 2

    One of the greatest contributors to Christian thought and practical wisdom over the last four hundred years was Francois Fenelon of the 17th century. In this second volume, Fenelon's gentle counsel will help you battle the stresses of the day with a sense

    Only 30 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Difficult Decision, A: Two Tales for the Young

    An important letter—a matter of life or death—is entrusted to his care, and he’s determined to carry out his mission. Little does he know what will be required of him!

    Only 13 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Drawn Together Under Fire

    Only 41 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Duel, The

    Written from the unusual viewpoint of the Bible personified, this story reveals spiritual tensions that occur in friendships, business interactions, and family relationships.

    Only 3 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Duties of Parents - Hardcover

    New Release 2015! May this rare copy of wise thoughts for young men and women challenge you to take captive every thought unto the obedience of Christ.

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  • Dwell Deep

    Dwell Deep. The latest book by beloved author, Amy Le Feuvre.

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  • Education of a Child: The Wisdom of Fenelon - Hardcover

    Francois Fenelon offers a brilliant, common-sense approach to education and parenting. Commissioned to educate the grandson of King Louis XIV and prepare him for the throne, Fenelon abandoned all modern approaches to education and followed the . . .

    Only 25 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Escape from the Eagle's Nest

    Abandoned and alone, Walter faces a moral dilemma that lands him in the midst of a ruthless, hostile land. Even though he saves the chief’s child from the mouth of a lion, he still faces certain death from his Islamic captors. . .

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  • Exiles in Babylon

    The second in this dramatic series by A.L.O.E. (A Lady of England), makes the Scriptures come alive! The pictures are so vivid, the characters so real, it is as though we are walking alongside Daniel and his faithful friends, experiencing . . .

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  • Faithful, But Not Famous

    Once again, a writer of old has portrayed a vivid account of a godly father who imparts the gospel to his son.

    Only 19 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Faith That Is My Own, A

    This endearing story will draw you into the world of a little girl’s journey into womanhood, living out a faith that is her own.

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  • Fastened Like Nails - Vol. 1

    Fastened Like Nails will reach your soul. The first of three volumes, it will leave an indelible mark upon your life.

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  • Fastened Like Nails - Vol. 2

    The second volume is here!!! May the words of history’s great men of faith...

    Only 24 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Fastened Like Nails - Vol. 3

    This inspirational compilation inspires us to keep the wonders of the Word of God in our conversation and in our thoughts through memorization and meditation.

    Only 42 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Fire in the Sky

    Little Henry is taken hostage by a band of robbers and lives for years in a deep, dark cave. When he stumbles upon a crevice in the wall, he escapes to the land above and experiences with wonder the brilliance of the sun and the magnificence of the . . .

    Available on backorder

  • Fireside Readings (Vol. 1)

    Lamplighter's collection of fireside readings gently instills virtuous qualities such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, courage and perseverance into the very fabric of our lives. Through unforgettable events, common, everyday boys and girls become . . .

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  • Fireside Readings (Vol. 2)

    Throughout this volume, the consequences of covetousness, jealousy and disobedience ring loud and clear, while the rewards of honesty, obedience and contentment bring forth a sense of inner satisfaction and well-being. . .

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  • Fireside Readings (Vol. 3)

    Here you will find another collection of great read-aloud stories for your entire family. Diligence, hard work, and trusting God are just a few of the themes you'll talk about . . . You'll see how crucial it is to trust God through times of turmoil . . .

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • Fishmonger: A Story for the Young Entrepreneur, The

    (Formerly: Not a Chance; Boy Who Never Lost a Chance) Roger has learned from his grandfather never to miss a "chance." His hard work, honesty, and diligence are richly rewarded. Roger finally realizes something is missing in his life . . .

    Only 35 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • From Press to Pulpit (originally Enoch Roden's Training)

    As we go from day to day doing our wearisome work, if we would only say, “I am working with God to take care of this and that,” we might never find our work wearisome, for of all grand, and comforting, and heart-refreshing thoughts in this world, the greatest is the thought that we are co-workers with God.

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  • Frozen Fire

    You are about to meet a young girl who changed the world! The events that led up to Betty’s pivotal decision demonstrate the true meaning of humility, servanthood, and love.

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  • Gardener's Apprentice, The

    This short story is a powerful demonstration of determination, loyalty, and trust in a sovereign God.

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  • Giant Killer

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • Girls of Courage Who Became Women of Influence

    The women highlighted in this volume exemplified great courage, often in a less-than-supportive environment. Their life work in science, medicine, the arts, education, research, evangelism, and government drastically improved the lives of people...

    Only 39 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Glaucia, The Greek Slave

    Glaucia, the Greek Slave masterfully depicts the intricacies of a momentous time in human history. Ancient Rome and Greece are the backdrop for this dramatic account of the early Christians, whose belief in the one true God stands in stark contrast . . .

    Only 44 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Golden Secret and Other Christmas Stories, The

    This collection of Christmas stories will warm your heart any time of year.

    Only 11 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Golden Thread, The

    In a kingdom near the treacherous Hemlock Forest, an evil king and his followers dwell. Only those who hold on to the golden thread can wander past the boundaries of the kingdom and return safely. It is a fearful thing to lose one’s way...

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  • Grinder's Apprentice, The

    Fleeing for his life and seeking refuge in the foreign country of East India, the destitute father's only hope is that he might see his precious wife and child once again. A revolt of the savage Mahrattas has brought on war, giving him the opportunity. . .

    Only 42 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Hand on the Bridle

    The allure of secret sin and the enticement of peer pressure had a strong hold on teens a century ago. Young Gavin knew it was time to venture out beyond his secure environment called home. His longing for independence has become a tainted mixture . . .

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  • Haunted Room, The

    The Haunted Room is a heart-gripping story that sheds light on the parallel between the human soul and the so-called haunted dwelling.

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  • Hedge of Thorns, The

    John must find out the secret that has been kept from him for so long—what is on the other side of the hedge? Desperate to break through, he devises a scheme, ignoring the impending danger.

    Only 41 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Held Back

    (Formerly: Dr. Willy and the Fretful Squire) When health and wealth are both lost, an act of honesty and integrity brings about an unexpected turn of events where truth is found.

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  • Helen's Temper and its Consequences

    Helen and Betty could not be more different in their perspectives of the destitute people that live around them. When Helen, the older sister, hears the story of the Good Samaritan she is rewarded for her classroom achievements, while the other . . .

    Only 33 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Hidden Hand, The

    Secrets abound in this masterpiece by E.D.E.N. Southworth. You will be delighted and thrilled as God's own hidden hand moves the lives of rascals and heroes alike to work His plan for good.

    Only 40 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Hidden Years of Nazareth, The

    New Release 2015! Where was Jesus between the ages of twelve and thirty? Morgan’s keen eye and discerning mind reveal not only Christ’s activities, but our responsibilities for daily life.

    Available on backorder

  • Hope On

    This volume of short stories is perfect as a family read aloud.

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  • House of Love

    Aurelia Wilde is cruelly selfish and downright miserable - a victim of her mother's desperate attempts to place her delicate "prized possession" on an unreachable pedestal. But her glory is only surface deep. Aurelia's complaining spirit is a stark . . .

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  • Hungering and Thirsting

    On a torn scrap of paper, Kitty discovers a strange message that sends her in search of answers: blessed are they which do hunger and thirst.

    Only 16 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Idols of the Heart

    Her blunders and inexperience with an affluent lifestyle bring unfamiliar anxiety to Clemence. How will she cope with the escalating tension, the maddening hypocrisy she faces every day?

    Only 25 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Illustrated Beggar's Blessing, The

    A true story from the 1800s about a little girl who sacrificed her savings for a starving beggar. Full-color illustrations will capture the hearts of children as they learn that sacrifice is the cornerstone for surprising blessings.

    Only 27 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Illustrated Hedge of Thorns, The

    John must find out the secret that has been kept from him for so long—what is on the other side of the hedge? Desperate to break through, he devises a scheme, ignoring the impending danger.

    Only 42 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Illustrated Launch the Lifeboat

    In this captivating tale you’ll find yourself caught up on the stormy sea with an old fisherman as he tells the story of a dreadful night that a ship was ripped apart by relentless waves.

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  • Illustrated Silver Cup

    Young and old alike will love this illustrated re-telling of Lamplighter's best seller! Beautiful illustrations now bring to life a story that is as precious as the one in our original Rare Collector volume.

    Available on backorder

  • Illustrated Teddy's Button

    Rivalry between a soldier’s son and a sailor’s daughter teaches our beloved Teddy about a new battle, a new enemy, and a new Captain, whose orders are to fight all battles with the banner of love!

    Available on backorder

  • Illustrated Three Weavers, The

    The Three Weavers Illustrated is a delightful allegory for fathers to read with their daughters - not just once, but over and over again. This beautifully illustrated rendition reveals how each weaver prepares his daughter to weave a mantle . . .

    Available on backorder

  • Illustrated Trusty and Ingrid Fibster

    Calling all engines! Trusty is back! And this time he has an important choice to make. When Ingrid Fibster puts the pressure on Trusty and his friends to cover up the truth, what will Trusty do?

    Only 7 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Illustrated Trusty Faces His Fear

    Trusty is ready and willing to help his Papá move a huge boulder that’s blocking the way.

    Available on backorder

  • Illustrated Trusty Finds A Friend

    Trusty learns that sometimes an unlikely friend will surprise you

    Only 4 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Illustrated Trusty Makes a U-Turn

    Trusty just isn’t himself when...

    Available on backorder

  • Illustrated Trusty Gets Off Track

    Trusty is back! But instead of listening to the warning of Papa Engineer, Trusty chooses the path that looks easy and fun. Little does he know that what lies ahead is a breakdown and a crash. Why didn't he listen? Will he ever get back on track?

    Only 11 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Illustrated Trusty Meets Bully Blare

    It's an exciting day-Trusty is moving! He'll attend a new school and meet new friends! But when big Bully Blare teases his new friend Missy, Trusty must make a decision.

    Only 19 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Illustrated Trusty Takes On the Giant

    Life is smooth sailing for Trusty. But suddenly...

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  • Illustrated Trusty Tries to Fly

    Trusty watches as Pixie swirls and twirls around in the air. He is sure that if he tries hard enough, he can fly too!

    Only 9 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Illustrated Trusty Turns Green

    Trusty just isn’t himself when...

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  • Illustrated Trusty Tried & True

    Mom and Dad, written in the style of Dr. Seuss, this adorable adventure is bursting with colorful imagery to heighten a child’s imagination and stir creativity. Your children will learn much about selfishness, pride, and vanity through . . .

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  • Inheritance, The

    A faithful grandson seeks to find help for his blind grandfather. When the old man finally opens his eyes, he sees a painting on the wall before him and realizes that this is the very house where he buried a wealthy man's inheritance fifty years ago.

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  • Ishmael

    You will never read a story that is more inspiring and challenging than Ishmael. The heights of success achieved by this young man reveal little of the utter poverty into which he was born. He enters life motherless and poor, and despite the wishes . . .

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  • Jack the Conqueror, or Difficulties Overcome

    No obstacle can daunt Jack's resolve. He has made up his mind to become a useful, honest man and, most of all, to conquer difficulties! His greatest resolve is to learn to read, and he will surmount obstacles of great magnitude to fulfill his dream.

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  • Jessica's First Prayer

    Barefoot little Jessica lives in a home where no one knows about God. She looks forward to spending time once a week with Mr. Dan'el, a miserly old coffee peddler who eases his darkened conscience by giving her stale bread and coffee.

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  • Jewel, The

    Read no further if you are picking up this book for a bit of light reading.

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  • Jill's Red Bag

    Jill is relentless in her desire to see others give their tithe to God. She and her siblings love to act out the stories that they have read about. After hearing the story of Jacob at Bethel, Jill determines to do more than play the story of Jacob.

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  • Joel: A Boy of Galilee

    See the miraculous events of Jesus, the Nazarene, through the eyes of an ordinary boy who lives among the ordinary fishermen of the day. Having been crippled by a bully, Joel wonders if he'll ever walk again. The greater question is "Can the Healer . . .

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  • Joseph's Shield

    New Release 2015! You are about to experience a story that takes children to the next level in their journey with the Lord, their fight against sin and their cultivation of character…

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  • Karl Jansen's Find

    Karl Jansen's discovery has forever changed his life. His unfulfilled longing has been met in a way he never would have predicted! If only he could see the dangers that lie ahead - the cowardly vengeance that would threaten his life - Karl might not . . .

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  • Kelly Nash: The Boy Who Didn't Think

    Brimming with mischief and armed with a twinkle in his eyes, Kelly Nash doesn’t have a care in the world. Work at the mill is easy, Grandfather doesn’t tell him what to do, and Kelly is one of the best boys in town—or so he believes himself to be. But Kelly has one major flaw—he doesn’t think! There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for a good laugh, and life is one big game. So it is for the simpleminded.

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  • King Jack

    “Stick to the truth and bide your time,” says Cyril Fane. A truth easier said than done. Join Jack as he learns the secret to humility through life’s fiery trials.

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  • Lady Jane Grey: The Nine-Day Queen

    New Release 2015! May this rare copy of wise thoughts for young men and women challenge you to take captive every thought unto the obedience of Christ.

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  • Lamplighter, The

    Mistreated and abandoned as a child, Gerty's angry and violent disposition gradually becomes virtuous as she learns the lessons lived by the meek and gentle lamplighter. But there is much more to this story than meets the eye! As the plot thickens . . .

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  • Least of These, The

    In this brilliant little story filled irony and intrigue...

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  • Light in the Darkness

    Light in the Darkness is the inspiring story of a young French woman during the Franco-German war. During wartime's difficult trials, Leonie finds hope and friendship in a most unexpected . . .

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  • Little Lamb, The

    While gathering strawberries, ten-year old Christina finds a shivering lamb that has strayed from its home, and she delights in the thought of caring for it. When confronted with the decision to return it to its rightful owner, her honesty and . . .

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  • Little Miss Moth

    Adventures begin with Charlie and his raft, and their voyage is enhanced by their limitless imagination. Pirates and hidden treasure fill their day. But Faith’s treasure is found in her friendship with...

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  • Little Preacher, The

    New Release 2015! Through these stories, this little preacher softens the most hardened hearts. If you believe that nothing is impossible with God, then this story is for you!

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  • Little Sir Galahad

    When the townspeople of Alverton look upon the little boy, they have adequate reason to call him "Poor David." But he is perhaps wealthier than all who look upon him. His wealth is in the golden light of his smile and the richness of his mind.

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  • Little Threads

    It was Mrs. Prentiss' intent that this little gem would be a tool through which children would learn to obey. Read about the contrasting lives of Tangle Thread and Golden Thread; one is the cause of much grief for her godly mother, and the other . . .

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  • Little Woodsman and His Dog Caesar, The

    William is left in the desolate forest, surrounded by the eerie howling of the wind and the wolves. His predicament is like that of Joseph, abandoned by his wicked brothers. But God's ways are not our ways; His thoughts and plans are much higher!

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  • Locked Cupboard, The

    The four Dane sisters must leave the home in which they have been raised. Though their cousin secretly convinces his aunt to revise her will shortly before her death, they will not leave empty-handed!

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  • Lost Clue

    In this intriguing mystery, Captain Fortesque finds himself torn between two loyalties. He enjoys acceptance in high society, but keeps his true upbringing a secret. Then the day comes that changes the course of his life . . .

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  • Lost Ruby, The

    This is the story of young Lieutenant Wildberg and the heavy price he pays for succumbing to the subtle temptation of worldly logic. Though at first his "indiscretion" seemed to accomplish a great and noble good, it eventually brings grief and harm . . .

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  • Making of a Hero, The

    Charming, handsome, and popular, Horace Wheeler seems to have it all; yet, his life grows emptier by the day.

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  • Man of His Word and Other Tales, A

    Standing up boldly for the faith that she calls her own, Easter is disowned by her father in a single, heart breaking moment. ..

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  • Manchester House

    Peer pressure is intense, and the influence of so-called friends becomes nearly unbearable. But through a series of moral challenges, Herbert makes the tough decisions that set him up for a future of great social influence and a high level of respect in the community.

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  • Mansion, The

    This little book is a powerhouse, sending a quickening jolt to the very depths of our respectable-looking facade. The Mansion takes a piercing look at John Weightman, one of the most "successful" men in New York. His son desperately wants to find . . .

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  • Mary Jones and Her Bible

    In the rugged and meager land of Wales, Mary longs to learn more about the Word of God. This true story takes place in a town where food and clothing are difficult enough to obtain, but young Mary longs for nothing more extravagant than her own Bible.

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  • Message to Garcia, A

    Over forty million copies in print! Internationally acclaimed as the most inspiring message that rallies individuals to take the INITIATIVE in doing the right thing.

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  • More Than Conqueror

    He had always been a bully at school. In fact, he rather prided himself on it...

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  • My Golden Ship

    We all know the gnawing feeling that rears its ugly head as envy. Christians are not exempt, as we see in the case of Charlie, who says, “But don't it seem hard that some folks should have everything, and the other folks nothin’?”

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  • My Mates and I

    This penetrating story covers a lot of territory that teenage guys are too often familiar with: the power of peer influence, the consequence of ignoring our conscience, the deception of self-reform, and the danger of a backslidden condition.

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  • Ned Franks: The One-Armed Sailor

    Ned Franks is a sailor, but he wears the armor of a soldier. Be challenged to wear the breastplate of righteousness and carry the sword of the Spirit as you engage in the adventures of Ned Franks: The One-Armed Sailor!

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  • Old Worcester Jug, The

    Somehow you just know when you have found a diamond in the rough—and The Old Worcester Jug is just that. From the very beginning, Eglanton Thorne will command your attention and tug on your heartstrings.

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  • On My Knees: True Stories of God's Faithfulness

    On My Knees is the personal journal of a woman who, together with her family, served God in China. Her revelation of how God answered her prayers for protection is breathtaking, but even more profound...

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  • On the Edge of a Moor

    In an age of chaperones, high society, and civilized city living, a young woman withdraws from the traditional customs of her day...

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  • Orphan Queen, The

    Who is this child? And who are her parents? Her demeanor suggests a royal heritage, but perhaps she is simply exercising pride and control of others. Meet Margelte . . .

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  • Out of the Pit: Right of Redemption

    “I’ll never give it up,” Stephen promises his dying father. Their hut in the hollow is all they have, but it belongs to them. The bright, sunny valley stands in stark contrast to the dark, grimy coal pits nearby . . .

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  • Overtaken: The Wild Lad of London

    (While Supplies Last) Known as a wild lad, young Ishmael lives in Gold Lion Row, the rough section of London. He suffers great loss and finds himself alone and...

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  • Painted Fly, and Other Stories for the Young

    The Painted Fly is a love story—for both children and adults. It is a romantic tale of unquenchable love that leads the reader on a journey of surprise endings—or rather, surprise beginnings. . .

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  • Palace of Deceit

    The children are in danger and don’t even know it. In His wisdom, their Father writes them a letter, and they acknowledge that every word holds Truth. They realize that the allure of...

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  • Parable of the Two Millstones, The

    In the home of a rich merchant, two hard heads with fiery tempers abide. Like the age-old story of the Prodigal Son, the distress that comes with stubborn pride gives way to a softening of heart. Though God often leads His children in mysterious . . .

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  • Passage: From Darkness to Light, The

    A mysterious, suspense-filled adventure, The Passage describes the journey we must take as we grope through the darkness, searching for a way out of our desperate circumstances. Arthur, Emma, and Asahel represent a cross-section of people . . .

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  • Peace in War

    If God punished some sins and not others, where would be His justice? If God took notice of none, where would be His holiness? If God promised punishment which He never inflicted, where would be His truth?

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  • Peep Behind the Scenes, A

    Behind many smiling faces hides a hurting heart, for there is often a high price to pay for what appears to be glamorous. In this compelling story, Mrs. Walton gives us a glimpse into the life of a disillusioned actress.

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  • Phil Tyler's Stand

    New Release 2015! Phil Tyler is a bold, unashamed Christian and a far cry from being a people pleaser. Phil’s aim is to bring righteousness to a community riddled with lawlessness and disorder.

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  • Pillar of Fire, The

    Enjoy this eloquently-written, illustrative account of the Prince of Tyre during his visit to Egypt more than 3500 years ago. The author brings full color and inspiration to every page in this suspense-filled drama.

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  • Pride and His Prisoners

    New Release 2015! Using the metaphorical imagery of a near catastrophe in an unfettered hot-air balloon, A.L.O.E. unapologetically illustrates our natural inclination to yield to the temptations of our enemy, Pride.

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  • Prisoners of the Sea

    Amidst the tumult of life at sea, myriad adventures of piracy, capture, and escape stand in contrast to the heroic, steady determination of Huguenot heritage. The final chapter adds to the intensity as it meets us head-on with a bolt from the blue. . .

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  • Probable Sons

    Unable to say the word "Prodigal," Milly finds herself confronting her rigid, self-absorbed uncle as a true "Probable Son." This English country gentleman has no time or patience for children, but little Milly melts the heart of everyone she meets . . .

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  • Quicksand: Getting to the Bottom

    This is one story that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The floodgates will open, and your heart will be overjoyed with the encouraging truth that “The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble...

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  • Reassigned: The Sailing Orders of Harold Winter

    Strong yet mischievous Harold Winters was born for the sea. However, God has different plans for this young sailor. After a catastrophic accident at sea, crippled Harold is sent home—never to sail again. Wrestling with his current state of affairs, Harold is counseled to await new orders from Above...

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  • Rescued from Egypt

    In this, the third volume in the Heroes of Faith Series,the life and deliverance of Moses as a type and shadow of the coming Redeemer is flawlessly incorporated into the story of Arthur, the main character. Arthur wrestles with the inner conflict. . .

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  • Resolute: In the Face of Persecution

    In 17th-century Scotland, times of trouble, torment, and tyranny threatened the lives of a community of believers determined to follow their beloved minister for the cause of liberty. How cold were the usurpers of such cruel authority!

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  • Rising to the Top

    "There's two things as always come to the top; one's merit-t'other's scum. Which of them is to rise first, I can't tell, but neither will lie at the bottom long." You'll want to stand up for the honor of poor victimized Bob, but in the end you'll . . .

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  • Robbers' Cave, The

    Ambushed! It all happened so quickly! Horace’s ankles are locked in chains, preventing him from rescuing his terrified mother as she is dragged away by their captors. She has only seven days to return with the answer that could save her son!

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  • Rosa of Linden Castle

    When all the trappings of Rosa's life come crashing down around her, the virtues that had been taught to her by her godly parents provide her with direction and guidance even when they are no longer there to walk beside her through the darkened . . .

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  • Runaway Darling, The

    Naughty, stubborn, and filled with mischief is our darling runaway. Meet Judy...

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  • Saved at Sea

    On the lonely island the lighthouse stands, warning of impending danger and providing light for seafarers in the frightening, turbulent seas. Old Sandy Fergusson and his grandson Alick keep watch, giving all diligence to the smallest detail.

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  • Saved By Love

    Streetwise, ragged, and poor, Elfie was convinced that she was so naughty and so bad that no one could ever love her. Susie could not comprehend Elfie's ongoing struggle to be honest, but she was determined to tell her that no matter how "great" our . . .

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  • Schmid's Tales: Featuring the Unexpected Guest

    This new edition, a compilation of von Schmid's short stories, including The Unexpected Guest, The Unexpected Return and The Silent Girl, beautifully illustrates God's loving provision and perfect plan. In our darkest hour, we can rest assured that . . .

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  • Secret Bridge, The

    We are brought into Bridget’s world, where she finds herself penniless and alone...

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  • Self Raised

    Southworth continues the story of Ishmael Worth in Self-Raised. From the sultry heat of Cuba to the gloomy crags of Northern Scotland . . .

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  • Seven Days Left

    What would you do if you knew you had only seven days left to live? Such was the case with Robert Hardy, who had always lived according to the maxim, “self-interest first.” Influential and wealthy, Robert had embraced anything that gratified h

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  • Sheer Off

    Whether it’s the love of money, the whirlpool of intemperance, the iceberg of falsehood, or the sunken rock of pride, when temptation would take you as a strong current—sheer off!

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  • Shepherd of Bethlehem, The

    There is no question that The Shepherd of Bethlehem will bring the Scriptures to life like no other book, as a fresh look at David's life reaches deep into your heart, cutting and pruning and drawing you ever closer to your very own Shepherd . . .

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  • Shiny Coin, The

    Another victim of intemperance and poverty, Dick Nason grew up in a home bereft of affection and the fear of God. Though poor and left to himself, his was a life of relative ease and freedom from care, except when his stomach was empty. If there was anything to be enjoyed it was the beauty of the flowers in the market. He would often wonder at their beauty amidst the dingy, dirty circumstances of his home life. Who could have created such beautiful flowers as these?

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  • Shipwrecked, But Not Lost

    Experience the utter fear of abandonment, the tension of frigid desolation, and the resolute determination to survive in Shipwrecked, But Not Lost. This breathtaking episode will keep you on the edge of your seat as you follow the spectacular events . . .

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  • Silver Cup and Other Stories for the Young, The

    In the New Testament, our Savior reveals that the second greatest commandment...

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  • Silver Keys, The

    What powerful grace unlocks the grip of pride even in the hardest hearts! The author of The Silver Keys reintroduces Ned Franks, whose visits to a dying man challenge our own willingness to be inconvenienced for the sake of the gospel.

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  • Sir Knight of the Splendid Way

    Deep into the Vale of Promise ventures a young knight, Sir Constant, who desires nothing more than to be in service of the Great King. Though unworthy of this high calling, he sets forth on the perilous road that all who desire to serve the King . . .

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  • Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince

    Inside the castle a battle rages in the heart of a widowed king. Prince Hubert has proven to be an unworthy heir, but a bold intervention by the king’s most trusted knight could prove to be the cure.

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  • Snowdrop Story and Other Tales for the Young

    These stories will help us to consider the needs of those around us and how we might brighten their lives with something as simple as a snowdrop.

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  • So Shall We Live

    Edith’s lessons are like the ocean waves which steadily rise and fall...When a great dark wave washes over her, turning her life upside down...

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  • Spanish Brothers, The

    This true account of the Spanish Inquisition will leave you speechless. The conviction and courage demonstrated by sixteenth-century believers puts our present-day calamities in perspective, sharply, yet gently reminding us of the truth of the Word . . .

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  • Spiral Staircase, The

    The mystery at Hildick Castle is just one aspect of life that haunts Dr. Forester. Though he came to escape, he becomes further entrenched in...

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  • Standing with Grace

    When the gospel is lived out in simplicity and power, none can resist...

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  • Standing Strong: Firm Until the End

    It’s no secret that Mr. Graham married his beautiful young wife for her money, but sweet Alice Graham buries her deep hurt within and pours out all her love upon her two boys. Although Bert and Alfie are as close as two brothers can be, they couldn’t be more opposite! Alfie is a charmer, while Bert is reserved. Alfie enjoys recognition while Bert prefers solitude, working with his hands.

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  • Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross

    In the deserts of Egypt, a blind girl and her protective brother fall prey to desert thieves. After hearing reports of miracles in Jerusalem , they find themselves in the midst of the greatest upheaval in history. Readers will be captivated . . .

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  • Stepping Heavenward

    Stepping Heavenward is an intimate journal of a young woman who struggles with ordinary daily life just as we do...

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  • Stick to the Raft

    Fifteen-year-old Hans Richter travels far from home to find work in the locks of a river. His father had taught him that there is a Raft that will support him in the deepest waters and amid the fiercest storms. When Hans becomes the target among . . .

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  • Story of Charles Ogilvie, The

    Within this little volume lie treasure troves of insight for the whole pursuit of a Christian's life. In spite of great trials, Charles Ogilvie is committed to press on. But his preoccupation with intelligent and good-natured acquaintances . . .

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  • Strordinary Little Maid, A

    A Strordinary Little Maid presents the gospel in colorful, bold, and often humorous ways. You'll laugh one minute, and the next minute you'll find yourself engaged in thoughtful attention to spiritual truths so basic yet so foreign to our culture today..

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  • Struck By Lightning

    Her mother depends on her. Her siblings need her watchful care. But Katie is easily distracted and often wanders from her responsibilities. This time the lure of the fair is too irresistible, and she secretly sets off. Calamity follows, and Katie . . .

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  • Teddy's Button

    Rivalry between a soldier’s son and a sailor’s daughter teaches our beloved Teddy about a new battle, a new enemy, and a new Captain, whose orders are to fight all battles with the banner of love!

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  • That Printer of Udell's

    According to President Ronald Reagan, "That Printer of Udell's had an impact I shall always remember. . .

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  • Three Weavers, The

    This is a special allegory for fathers to read to their daughters. As the story goes, once upon a time there were three weavers, and to each was born a daughter. The "watcher of weavers" prophesied, "A royal prince shall seek to wed thy child," but . . .

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  • Throw Me Overboard

    Now here is a story with a twist. When faced with false accusations and public humiliation, our hero shows us how to do what’s right, even when taking the easy way out could have cleared his name. As he travels the tempestuous seas of . . .

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  • Tip Lewis and His Lamp

    Tip is a leader, but not the kind you’d want in your Sunday School class. Not only is he full of sarcasm and provocations, he is the naughtiest boy in school…

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  • Titus: A Comrade of the Cross

    Lamplighter's dramatization of the award-winning story, Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, will keep you guessing--from the mysterious disappearance of the high priest's son to the breathtaking culmination on that sacred hill, Golgotha.

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  • Tom Watkins' Mistake

    Tom Watkins' Mistake realistically illustrates common temptations encountered by young people today. In a day of situation ethics, this relevant story speaks volumes. A brother and sister, enticed by material gain, forfeit their good reputation. We . . .

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  • Trapped Beneath the Surface (limited edition)

    The disastrous day at the icy lake was just the beginning of their troubles! Jack, Eleanor, and Sylvia each find themselves trapped beneath the surface of difficult circumstances and decisions. Eleanor, who longs to be friends with her sister, finds . . .

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  • Treasure of the Secret Cove, The

    Mystery, drama, heroism, villainy, greed, tragedy, revenge, betrayal, heartbreak, and redemption can all be found in this masterpiece. You’ll find yourself in the midst of tenuous relationships that expose the hidden secrets of the heart.

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  • Triumph Over Midian

    Through faith, the heroes of old were made strong; they were valiant in executing their mission to triumph over the fierce force of the Midianites. As Gideon conquered, through the power of God Almighty, so too shall we.

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  • True Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans

    We can read the facts about our forefathers in any history text, but this book gives insight into the personalities and families that helped shape the men and women who built our great nation. It's a great addition for anyone who would like to hear . . .

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  • True to the Last

    It takes unwavering courage to withstand the power of peer pressure, especially when it requires standing alone.

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  • Unforgettable Summer, The

    Traveling alone to the home of his miserly grandfather, Arthur soon makes friends with the neighbors next door...

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  • Village Hero, The

    Saucy and cheeky describes Andy, the London orphan boy who is celebrating his freedom! Finished with school, he’s determined to become...

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  • Walty and the Great Geyer

    Brave son of the mountain, the bold, experienced cragsman hesitates not in the face of danger; he possesses a determination that no difficulty can daunt. But the fierce bearded vulture is not the only challenge that Walty must face. Deception . . .

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  • Wanderer in Africa, The

    In the desert sands of Africa, David Aspinall finds himself in the wastelands of greed. He had left his farm and family in search of adventure, but he never expected this!

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  • White Dove, The

    Filled with the intrigue of knights and nobles, thieves and robbers, this is a story of friendship and sacrifice. A little girl agrees to give up her precious white dove to prove her friendship, and lives are miraculously saved.

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  • White Gypsy, The

    Willy is lost. New sights and new places seem strangely familiar, but he doesn't know why. Flashbacks taunt him. Stolen by gypsies at a tender age, Willy longs to discover who he is and where he belongs.

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  • White Knights, The

    Horace, Percy, and Cyril are ordinary boys who love the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Their discerning pastor starts a club for boys - The Order of the White Knights - challenging them to be chivalrous in their own . . .

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  • Wide, Wide World, The

    Through endless trials Ellen realizes that suffering has strengthened her faith, bringing her closer to God and making her better able to cope with life's problems. The contrast in her life, especially in the people who surround her each day, create . . .

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  • Willy's Trunk

    Willy just doesn't know what to think about this large wooden trunk before him. Everyone thought the inheritance left by wealthy Mrs. Lambton would be worth millions, but when the old trunk is opened, Willy can't believe what he sees. Wait 'til you . . .

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  • Winter's Folly (Spanish Leather Edition)

    (While Supplies Last) This is a tender tale of lonely Old Man Winter, who isolates himself from gossipy neighbors and any who might pry into his sorrow.

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  • Wonderful Door, The

    For those of us looking for encouragement in this pilgrim’s path, or those who are still at the door knocking, waiting to come in…this is a story of God’s great love!

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  • Wrestler of Philippi, The

    Here is a story of Rome's staggering contrasts - extreme poverty amidst the wildest extravagance, treacherous dungeon life in darkness, and chains amidst the splendors and amusements of luxurious court life.

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