
Classic Collection 2025 (45 Titles)

Original price was: $1,146.00.Current price is: $915.00.

Written for teenage and adult readers, this selection includes our  most inspiring and life-changing literature, with more extensive character development, plots, and themes. You’ll be stirred to forge new paths, fulfill your dreams, and shine as light in the midst of darkness. This powerful collection, including stories crafted by some of the world’s most creative authors, features characters whose lives are shaped though fiery trials and tested on the anvil of life.

Included in this collection are the following titles:
Caroline Street
Chateau by the Lake, The
City Sparrows
Come What May
Cyril Ashley: Judgment to Generosity
Dear Olive
Drawn Together Under Fire
Duel, The
Dwell Deep
Escape from the Eagle’s Nest
From Press to Pulpit
Hand on the Bridle
Haunted Room, The
Hidden Hand, The
Idols of the Heart
Jewel, The
Lamplighter, The
Least of These, The
Locked Cupboard, The
Lost Clue, The
Making of a Hero, The
Man of His Word, A and Other Tales
Ned Franks
On the Edge of the Moor
Out of the Pit
Painted Fly
Peace in War
Pride and His Prisoners
Reassigned: The Sailing Orders of Harold Winter
Secret Bridge
Seven Days Left
Self Raised
Sheer Off
Silver Keys (3rd book in Ned Franks Series)
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
Spiral Staircase, The
Standing with Grace
Stepping Heavenward
Story of Charles Ogilve, The
That Printer of Udell’s
Treasure of the Secret Cove
True to the Last
White Gypsy, The
Wide, Wide World, The
  • Caroline Street (originally included in A Man of His Word)

    As Susan moves into the neighborhood with her newly wedded husband, her heart aches as she glances at the half-starved, neglected children prowling like animals. She shudders at the rough, idle men and ragged women. Her assignment is clear, and with courage and wisdom her important work commences.

    Panic spreads among the people along with the raging scarlet fever. Each new crisis requires selflessness, sacrifice, and faith. Through it all, the glorious gospel brings hope and comfort during dark times. One never knows when the most miserable, vile person, when faced with great suffering, will yield to the Savior’s love.

    This simple story reminds each of us to let our light shine bright so that those in darkness may see our good works and glorify our heavenly Father.

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  • Chateau by the Lake, The

    Mystery and love combine to bring a captivating story in The Chateau by the Lake.

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  • City Sparrows

    November 2019 New Release. Join Zetta and her brother Harry in a cold, drafty garret as they learn that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without God seeing. Follow burdened Margaret as she learns...

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  • Come What May

    Stephen Barton and Frank Elston couldn’t be more different. Like his mother, Stephen is ruled by jealousy and tries to be impressive at Frank’s expense. Frank tries to see the good in others even when it’s to his disadvantage. Though poor, his parents’ influence is evident as Frank Elston becomes highly respected in the community through his hard work and honest dealings.

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  • Cyril Ashley: Judgment to Generosity

    Through the characters of Cyril Ashley, his siblings, and their wild friend Lorenzo, we see ourselves with a bit more clarity and hope to be changed.

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  • Drawn Together Under Fire

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  • Duel, The

    Written from the unusual viewpoint of the Bible personified, this story reveals spiritual tensions that occur in friendships, business interactions, and family relationships.

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  • Escape from the Eagle's Nest

    Abandoned and alone, Walter faces a moral dilemma that lands him in the midst of a ruthless, hostile land. Even though he saves the chief’s child from the mouth of a lion, he still faces certain death from his Islamic captors. . .

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  • Hand on the Bridle

    The allure of secret sin and the enticement of peer pressure had a strong hold on teens a century ago. Young Gavin knew it was time to venture out beyond his secure environment called home. His longing for independence has become a tainted mixture . . .

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  • Haunted Room, The

    The Haunted Room is a heart-gripping story that sheds light on the parallel between the human soul and the so-called haunted dwelling.

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  • Hidden Hand, The

    Secrets abound in this masterpiece by E.D.E.N. Southworth. You will be delighted and thrilled as God's own hidden hand moves the lives of rascals and heroes alike to work His plan for good.

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  • Idols of the Heart

    Her blunders and inexperience with an affluent lifestyle bring unfamiliar anxiety to Clemence. How will she cope with the escalating tension, the maddening hypocrisy she faces every day?

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  • Ishmael

    You will never read a story that is more inspiring and challenging than Ishmael. The heights of success achieved by this young man reveal little of the utter poverty into which he was born. He enters life motherless and poor, and despite the wishes . . .

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  • Jewel, The

    Read no further if you are picking up this book for a bit of light reading.

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  • Lamplighter, The

    Mistreated and abandoned as a child, Gerty's angry and violent disposition gradually becomes virtuous as she learns the lessons lived by the meek and gentle lamplighter. But there is much more to this story than meets the eye! As the plot thickens . . .

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  • Least of These, The

    In this brilliant little story filled irony and intrigue...

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  • Locked Cupboard, The

    The four Dane sisters must leave the home in which they have been raised. Though their cousin secretly convinces his aunt to revise her will shortly before her death, they will not leave empty-handed!

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  • Lost Clue

    In this intriguing mystery, Captain Fortesque finds himself torn between two loyalties. He enjoys acceptance in high society, but keeps his true upbringing a secret. Then the day comes that changes the course of his life . . .

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  • Making of a Hero, The

    Charming, handsome, and popular, Horace Wheeler seems to have it all; yet, his life grows emptier by the day.

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  • Man of His Word and Other Tales, A

    Standing up boldly for the faith that she calls her own, Easter is disowned by her father in a single, heart breaking moment. ..

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  • Ned Franks: The One-Armed Sailor

    Ned Franks is a sailor, but he wears the armor of a soldier. Be challenged to wear the breastplate of righteousness and carry the sword of the Spirit as you engage in the adventures of Ned Franks: The One-Armed Sailor!

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  • On the Edge of a Moor

    In an age of chaperones, high society, and civilized city living, a young woman withdraws from the traditional customs of her day...

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  • Out of the Pit: Right of Redemption

    “I’ll never give it up,” Stephen promises his dying father. Their hut in the hollow is all they have, but it belongs to them. The bright, sunny valley stands in stark contrast to the dark, grimy coal pits nearby . . .

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  • Painted Fly, and Other Stories for the Young

    The Painted Fly is a love story—for both children and adults. It is a romantic tale of unquenchable love that leads the reader on a journey of surprise endings—or rather, surprise beginnings. . .

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  • Peace in War

    If God punished some sins and not others, where would be His justice? If God took notice of none, where would be His holiness? If God promised punishment which He never inflicted, where would be His truth?

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  • Pride and His Prisoners

    New Release 2015! Using the metaphorical imagery of a near catastrophe in an unfettered hot-air balloon, A.L.O.E. unapologetically illustrates our natural inclination to yield to the temptations of our enemy, Pride.

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  • Secret Bridge, The

    We are brought into Bridget’s world, where she finds herself penniless and alone...

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  • Seven Days Left

    What would you do if you knew you had only seven days left to live? Such was the case with Robert Hardy, who had always lived according to the maxim, “self-interest first.” Influential and wealthy, Robert had embraced anything that gratified h

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  • Self Raised

    Southworth continues the story of Ishmael Worth in Self-Raised. From the sultry heat of Cuba to the gloomy crags of Northern Scotland . . .

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  • Sheer Off

    Whether it’s the love of money, the whirlpool of intemperance, the iceberg of falsehood, or the sunken rock of pride, when temptation would take you as a strong current—sheer off!

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  • Silver Keys, The

    What powerful grace unlocks the grip of pride even in the hardest hearts! The author of The Silver Keys reintroduces Ned Franks, whose visits to a dying man challenge our own willingness to be inconvenienced for the sake of the gospel.

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  • Sir Knight of the Splendid Way

    Deep into the Vale of Promise ventures a young knight, Sir Constant, who desires nothing more than to be in service of the Great King. Though unworthy of this high calling, he sets forth on the perilous road that all who desire to serve the King . . .

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  • Spiral Staircase, The

    The mystery at Hildick Castle is just one aspect of life that haunts Dr. Forester. Though he came to escape, he becomes further entrenched in...

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  • Standing with Grace

    When the gospel is lived out in simplicity and power, none can resist...

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  • Stepping Heavenward

    Stepping Heavenward is an intimate journal of a young woman who struggles with ordinary daily life just as we do...

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  • Story of Charles Ogilvie, The

    Within this little volume lie treasure troves of insight for the whole pursuit of a Christian's life. In spite of great trials, Charles Ogilvie is committed to press on. But his preoccupation with intelligent and good-natured acquaintances . . .

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  • That Printer of Udell's

    According to President Ronald Reagan, "That Printer of Udell's had an impact I shall always remember. . .

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  • Treasure of the Secret Cove, The

    Mystery, drama, heroism, villainy, greed, tragedy, revenge, betrayal, heartbreak, and redemption can all be found in this masterpiece. You’ll find yourself in the midst of tenuous relationships that expose the hidden secrets of the heart.

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  • True to the Last

    It takes unwavering courage to withstand the power of peer pressure, especially when it requires standing alone.

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  • White Gypsy, The

    Willy is lost. New sights and new places seem strangely familiar, but he doesn't know why. Flashbacks taunt him. Stolen by gypsies at a tender age, Willy longs to discover who he is and where he belongs.

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  • Wide, Wide World, The

    Through endless trials Ellen realizes that suffering has strengthened her faith, bringing her closer to God and making her better able to cope with life's problems. The contrast in her life, especially in the people who surround her each day, create . . .

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  • Dear Olive

    Marmaduke Crofton’s parting words keep ringing in Olive’s ears, “A happy life is when the inner life is adjusted so satisfactorily that it gives one no trouble.” What could this mean?

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  • Dwell Deep

    Dwell Deep. The latest book by beloved author, Amy Le Feuvre.

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  • From Press to Pulpit (originally Enoch Roden's Training)

    As we go from day to day doing our wearisome work, if we would only say, “I am working with God to take care of this and that,” we might never find our work wearisome, for of all grand, and comforting, and heart-refreshing thoughts in this world, the greatest is the thought that we are co-workers with God.

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  • Reassigned: The Sailing Orders of Harold Winter

    Strong yet mischievous Harold Winters was born for the sea. However, God has different plans for this young sailor. After a catastrophic accident at sea, crippled Harold is sent home—never to sail again. Wrestling with his current state of affairs, Harold is counseled to await new orders from Above...

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