Publisher’s Picks – Fireside


Publisher’s Picks are designed for those who have seen this fascinating collection of books and wondered which books would be best for their children. We have sleected an array of stories for each age group to give you a taste of what Lamplighter books are all about.
Fireside Picks are for ages 6-11.
  • Basil; Or, Honesty and Industry

    This story is filled with gems of truth, the value of which cannot be measured. Young Basil takes these treasures to heart and determines to live by them. He learns to pray, not that God would make him rich, but enable him to act honestly and . . .

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  • Christie's Old Organ

    A heartwarming story about a young boy who is on a quest to find out how his dear old friend Treffy can get to "home, sweet home." One of the most famous children's novels of the Victorian era, Christie's Old Organ continues to . . .

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  • Giant Killer

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  • Helen's Temper and its Consequences

    Helen and Betty could not be more different in their perspectives of the destitute people that live around them. When Helen, the older sister, hears the story of the Good Samaritan she is rewarded for her classroom achievements, while the other . . .

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  • Inheritance, The

    A faithful grandson seeks to find help for his blind grandfather. When the old man finally opens his eyes, he sees a painting on the wall before him and realizes that this is the very house where he buried a wealthy man's inheritance fifty years ago.

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  • Jessica's First Prayer

    Barefoot little Jessica lives in a home where no one knows about God. She looks forward to spending time once a week with Mr. Dan'el, a miserly old coffee peddler who eases his darkened conscience by giving her stale bread and coffee.

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  • Joseph's Shield

    New Release 2015! You are about to experience a story that takes children to the next level in their journey with the Lord, their fight against sin and their cultivation of character…

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  • Little Sir Galahad

    When the townspeople of Alverton look upon the little boy, they have adequate reason to call him "Poor David." But he is perhaps wealthier than all who look upon him. His wealth is in the golden light of his smile and the richness of his mind.

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  • Little Threads

    It was Mrs. Prentiss' intent that this little gem would be a tool through which children would learn to obey. Read about the contrasting lives of Tangle Thread and Golden Thread; one is the cause of much grief for her godly mother, and the other . . .

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  • Strordinary Little Maid, A

    A Strordinary Little Maid presents the gospel in colorful, bold, and often humorous ways. You'll laugh one minute, and the next minute you'll find yourself engaged in thoughtful attention to spiritual truths so basic yet so foreign to our culture today..

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  • Teddy's Button

    Rivalry between a soldier’s son and a sailor’s daughter teaches our beloved Teddy about a new battle, a new enemy, and a new Captain, whose orders are to fight all battles with the banner of love!

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  • White Dove, The

    Filled with the intrigue of knights and nobles, thieves and robbers, this is a story of friendship and sacrifice. A little girl agrees to give up her precious white dove to prove her friendship, and lives are miraculously saved.

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