
Fireside Collection 2025 (44 titles)

Original price was: $843.00.Current price is: $675.00.

Collection includes the following titles:

Anna’s Question
Basil; Or, Honesty and Industry
Bird’s Nest, The
Children of Cloverly
Christie’s Old Organ
Clean Your Boots, Sir?
Difficult Decision, A
Faith that Is My Own, A
Fire in the Sky
Fireside Readings (Vol. 1)
Fireside Readings (Vol. 2)
Fireside Readings (Vol. 3)
Gardener’s Apprentice
Giant Killer
Golden Secret and other Christmas Stories, The
Held Back (formerly Dr. Willie and the Fretful Squire)
Helen’s Temper and its Consequences
Hope On and Other Stories
Hungering and Thirsting
Inheritance, The
Jack the Conqueror, or Difficulties Overcome
Jessica’s First Prayer
Jill’s Red Bag
Joseph’s Shield
King Jack
Little Miss Moth
Little Preacher, The
Little Sir Galahad
Little Threads
Little Woodsman and His Dog Caesar, The
Mary Jones and Her Bible
Old Worcester Jug
Probable Sons
Runaway Darling
Saved at Sea
Shiny Coin, The
Silver Cup and Other Stories
Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince
Snowdrop Story
Strordinary Little Maid, A
Teddy’s Button
Unforgettable Summer, The
White Dove, The
Winter’s Folly (Spanish Leather Edition)
  • Anna's Question

    Anna’s Question is a sweet story about a young girl and her quest for the beautiful land where there is no more illness or suffering. She has heard that Jesus paid the fare, but she doesn’t know the way. Who can help her find it? Anna discovers...

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  • Basil; Or, Honesty and Industry

    This story is filled with gems of truth, the value of which cannot be measured. Young Basil takes these treasures to heart and determines to live by them. He learns to pray, not that God would make him rich, but enable him to act honestly and . . .

    Only 36 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Bird's Nest, The

    Strength of character lies in the determination to hold on to truth regardless of circumstances or consequences. The hero in this story proves that every seemingly insignificant deed is noticed by God.

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  • Children of Cloverley, The

    What means might God use to mold a boy into a man? In The Children of Cloverley, we see how God can use dire and painful events to tear a brother and a sister from their home and cast them to yonder lands to grow into useful servants of the King . . .

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  • Christie's Old Organ

    A heartwarming story about a young boy who is on a quest to find out how his dear old friend Treffy can get to "home, sweet home." One of the most famous children's novels of the Victorian era, Christie's Old Organ continues to . . .

    Only 49 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Clean Your Boots, Sir?

    How often does God use tragic and painful circumstances to mold, test, and direct believers to fashion more effective tools for His work? Robert Rightheart has to face testing at every turn of his life, but the testimony of his life reveals how . . .

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  • Difficult Decision, A: Two Tales for the Young

    An important letter—a matter of life or death—is entrusted to his care, and he’s determined to carry out his mission. Little does he know what will be required of him!

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  • Faith That Is My Own, A

    This endearing story will draw you into the world of a little girl’s journey into womanhood, living out a faith that is her own.

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  • Fire in the Sky

    Little Henry is taken hostage by a band of robbers and lives for years in a deep, dark cave. When he stumbles upon a crevice in the wall, he escapes to the land above and experiences with wonder the brilliance of the sun and the magnificence of the . . .

    Available on backorder

  • Fireside Readings (Vol. 1)

    Lamplighter's collection of fireside readings gently instills virtuous qualities such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, courage and perseverance into the very fabric of our lives. Through unforgettable events, common, everyday boys and girls become . . .

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  • Fireside Readings (Vol. 2)

    Throughout this volume, the consequences of covetousness, jealousy and disobedience ring loud and clear, while the rewards of honesty, obedience and contentment bring forth a sense of inner satisfaction and well-being. . .

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  • Fireside Readings (Vol. 3)

    Here you will find another collection of great read-aloud stories for your entire family. Diligence, hard work, and trusting God are just a few of the themes you'll talk about . . . You'll see how crucial it is to trust God through times of turmoil . . .

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  • Gardener's Apprentice, The

    This short story is a powerful demonstration of determination, loyalty, and trust in a sovereign God.

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  • Giant Killer

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  • Golden Secret and Other Christmas Stories, The

    This collection of Christmas stories will warm your heart any time of year.

    Only 11 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Held Back

    (Formerly: Dr. Willy and the Fretful Squire) When health and wealth are both lost, an act of honesty and integrity brings about an unexpected turn of events where truth is found.

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  • Helen's Temper and its Consequences

    Helen and Betty could not be more different in their perspectives of the destitute people that live around them. When Helen, the older sister, hears the story of the Good Samaritan she is rewarded for her classroom achievements, while the other . . .

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  • Hope On

    This volume of short stories is perfect as a family read aloud.

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  • Hungering and Thirsting

    On a torn scrap of paper, Kitty discovers a strange message that sends her in search of answers: blessed are they which do hunger and thirst.

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  • Inheritance, The

    A faithful grandson seeks to find help for his blind grandfather. When the old man finally opens his eyes, he sees a painting on the wall before him and realizes that this is the very house where he buried a wealthy man's inheritance fifty years ago.

    Only 23 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Jack the Conqueror, or Difficulties Overcome

    No obstacle can daunt Jack's resolve. He has made up his mind to become a useful, honest man and, most of all, to conquer difficulties! His greatest resolve is to learn to read, and he will surmount obstacles of great magnitude to fulfill his dream.

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  • Jessica's First Prayer

    Barefoot little Jessica lives in a home where no one knows about God. She looks forward to spending time once a week with Mr. Dan'el, a miserly old coffee peddler who eases his darkened conscience by giving her stale bread and coffee.

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  • Jill's Red Bag

    Jill is relentless in her desire to see others give their tithe to God. She and her siblings love to act out the stories that they have read about. After hearing the story of Jacob at Bethel, Jill determines to do more than play the story of Jacob.

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  • Joseph's Shield

    New Release 2015! You are about to experience a story that takes children to the next level in their journey with the Lord, their fight against sin and their cultivation of character…

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  • King Jack

    “Stick to the truth and bide your time,” says Cyril Fane. A truth easier said than done. Join Jack as he learns the secret to humility through life’s fiery trials.

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  • Little Miss Moth

    Adventures begin with Charlie and his raft, and their voyage is enhanced by their limitless imagination. Pirates and hidden treasure fill their day. But Faith’s treasure is found in her friendship with...

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  • Little Preacher, The

    New Release 2015! Through these stories, this little preacher softens the most hardened hearts. If you believe that nothing is impossible with God, then this story is for you!

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  • Little Sir Galahad

    When the townspeople of Alverton look upon the little boy, they have adequate reason to call him "Poor David." But he is perhaps wealthier than all who look upon him. His wealth is in the golden light of his smile and the richness of his mind.

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  • Little Threads

    It was Mrs. Prentiss' intent that this little gem would be a tool through which children would learn to obey. Read about the contrasting lives of Tangle Thread and Golden Thread; one is the cause of much grief for her godly mother, and the other . . .

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  • Little Woodsman and His Dog Caesar, The

    William is left in the desolate forest, surrounded by the eerie howling of the wind and the wolves. His predicament is like that of Joseph, abandoned by his wicked brothers. But God's ways are not our ways; His thoughts and plans are much higher!

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  • Mary Jones and Her Bible

    In the rugged and meager land of Wales, Mary longs to learn more about the Word of God. This true story takes place in a town where food and clothing are difficult enough to obtain, but young Mary longs for nothing more extravagant than her own Bible.

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  • Old Worcester Jug, The

    Somehow you just know when you have found a diamond in the rough—and The Old Worcester Jug is just that. From the very beginning, Eglanton Thorne will command your attention and tug on your heartstrings.

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  • Probable Sons

    Unable to say the word "Prodigal," Milly finds herself confronting her rigid, self-absorbed uncle as a true "Probable Son." This English country gentleman has no time or patience for children, but little Milly melts the heart of everyone she meets . . .

    Only 8 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Runaway Darling, The

    Naughty, stubborn, and filled with mischief is our darling runaway. Meet Judy...

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  • Saved at Sea

    On the lonely island the lighthouse stands, warning of impending danger and providing light for seafarers in the frightening, turbulent seas. Old Sandy Fergusson and his grandson Alick keep watch, giving all diligence to the smallest detail.

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  • Shiny Coin, The

    Another victim of intemperance and poverty, Dick Nason grew up in a home bereft of affection and the fear of God. Though poor and left to himself, his was a life of relative ease and freedom from care, except when his stomach was empty. If there was anything to be enjoyed it was the beauty of the flowers in the market. He would often wonder at their beauty amidst the dingy, dirty circumstances of his home life. Who could have created such beautiful flowers as these?

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  • Silver Cup and Other Stories for the Young, The

    In the New Testament, our Savior reveals that the second greatest commandment...

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  • Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince

    Inside the castle a battle rages in the heart of a widowed king. Prince Hubert has proven to be an unworthy heir, but a bold intervention by the king’s most trusted knight could prove to be the cure.

    Only 40 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • Snowdrop Story and Other Tales for the Young

    These stories will help us to consider the needs of those around us and how we might brighten their lives with something as simple as a snowdrop.

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  • Strordinary Little Maid, A

    A Strordinary Little Maid presents the gospel in colorful, bold, and often humorous ways. You'll laugh one minute, and the next minute you'll find yourself engaged in thoughtful attention to spiritual truths so basic yet so foreign to our culture today..

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  • Teddy's Button

    Rivalry between a soldier’s son and a sailor’s daughter teaches our beloved Teddy about a new battle, a new enemy, and a new Captain, whose orders are to fight all battles with the banner of love!

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  • Unforgettable Summer, The

    Traveling alone to the home of his miserly grandfather, Arthur soon makes friends with the neighbors next door...

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  • White Dove, The

    Filled with the intrigue of knights and nobles, thieves and robbers, this is a story of friendship and sacrifice. A little girl agrees to give up her precious white dove to prove her friendship, and lives are miraculously saved.

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  • Winter's Folly (Spanish Leather Edition)

    (While Supplies Last) This is a tender tale of lonely Old Man Winter, who isolates himself from gossipy neighbors and any who might pry into his sorrow.

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