Captive, The


(11 customer reviews)

Kidnapped by Algerian pirates, Anselmo finds himself on the auction block in a foreign country. When offered an easy escape from life’s tough circumstances, some would eagerly jump at the opportunity and flee the trials that God has laid in their path—but Anselmo is made of sterner stuff. With unyielding faith in his Savior, he brings glory to God. Watch as God unfolds a bounty of blessing because one young man recognizes the goodness of his Creator in every circumstance, both good and ill.

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11 reviews for Captive, The

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Highly Recommended “The Captive” is exceptionally well written and is a quick read. Christoph Von Schmid laces his writings with eternal truths and I thank God his books have been preserved.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    The Captive Great book! My boys (13 and 10) and I enjoyed it very much! An easy, fun, and powerful book. Teaches us true loyalty to the LORD.

  3. anonymous (verified owner)

    Had a Hard Time Finishing It Although the book is an easy read and teaches dedication to the Lord, the content was dry and didn’t captivate our attention at all. Our first Lamplighter book and I’m disappointed.

  4. anonymous (verified owner)

    Excellent! Great book! We read this book to our kids (7, 4, and 2) at night before bed and they loved it. They had so many questions and were fully enthralled with the story. We read a chapter a night and often answered questions afterwards. On the last chapter my eldest son started to cry due to the story. He then was curious if there was a sequel to find out what happened next with Anslemo. My wife and I also loved this book. Thank you Mr. Hamby for recommending this book and others to us at the TTD Convention.

  5. anonymous (verified owner)

    Great This is a wonderful book that captures your interest right from the start.

  6. anonymous (verified owner)

    Great Book I first listened to the audio drama and loved it!! Years later I decided to read the book. It was great! Christoph von Schmid is an awesome author!! The audio drama definitely had a lot more action and was different than the book. But overall, I would recommend this book to anyone!!

  7. anonymous (verified owner)

    The Captive I like the way Anselmo stood up to his master about believing in Christ. Christ died for each one of us because He loved us so much. We should show more love to our fellow man than we do.

  8. anonymous (verified owner)

    Very Good It was good book and had good christian values taught especially on how to be a good Christian witness.

  9. anonymous (verified owner)

    Inspiring and Amazing! I really loved “The Captive”. It inspired my faith in my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I hope and pray that whenever I have to stand for my faith, I will honor my Redeemer by being faithful as Anselmo did. God bless Lamplighter!

  10. anonymous (verified owner)

    Amazing Book A truly wonderful story! I was so convicted when I read this book. It’s a must read for anyone who loves good books and wants to grow in their Christian life.

  11. anonymous (verified owner)

    Great Read! This book was purchased for a birthday gift. I read it first, as I prefer to do that with any book I give away – to ensure the soundness of the content. Great book, very intriguing read! The message was awesome and a great reminder to stay kind, be compassionate and our hope in Christ is always rewarded.

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