Fireside Readings (Vol. 2)


(2 customer reviews)

In our day of situation ethics and relativism, it is refreshing to read the story of Annie, the Flower Girl who decides to do the right thing, simply because it is right to do right! Throughout this volume, the consequences of covetousness, jealousy and disobedience ring loud and clear, while the rewards of honesty, obedience and contentment bring forth a sense of inner satisfaction and well-being. Stories include Brookside Neighbors, Annie the Flower Girl, The Lost and Found and The Stowaway.

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2 reviews for Fireside Readings (Vol. 2)

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Amazing I read every night to my three boys, 8, 10, & 12. They beg me to keep reading. We love love love these stories.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Full of Wisdom and Truths!!!! The whole family loves this book, every story is woven beautifully with Jesus! Our seven year old son especially loves Brookside Neighbors. Great to read out loud!

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