Publisher’s Picks – Classic


Publisher’s Picks are designed for those who have seen this fascinating collection of books and wondered which books would be best for their children. We have sleected an array of stories for each age group to give you a taste of what Lamplighter books are all about.
Classic Picks are for ages 12 & Up.
  • Escape from the Eagle's Nest

    Abandoned and alone, Walter faces a moral dilemma that lands him in the midst of a ruthless, hostile land. Even though he saves the chief’s child from the mouth of a lion, he still faces certain death from his Islamic captors. . .

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  • Hand on the Bridle

    The allure of secret sin and the enticement of peer pressure had a strong hold on teens a century ago. Young Gavin knew it was time to venture out beyond his secure environment called home. His longing for independence has become a tainted mixture . . .

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  • Hidden Hand, The

    Secrets abound in this masterpiece by E.D.E.N. Southworth. You will be delighted and thrilled as God's own hidden hand moves the lives of rascals and heroes alike to work His plan for good.

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  • Ishmael

    You will never read a story that is more inspiring and challenging than Ishmael. The heights of success achieved by this young man reveal little of the utter poverty into which he was born. He enters life motherless and poor, and despite the wishes . . .

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  • Locked Cupboard, The

    The four Dane sisters must leave the home in which they have been raised. Though their cousin secretly convinces his aunt to revise her will shortly before her death, they will not leave empty-handed!

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  • Ned Franks: The One-Armed Sailor

    Ned Franks is a sailor, but he wears the armor of a soldier. Be challenged to wear the breastplate of righteousness and carry the sword of the Spirit as you engage in the adventures of Ned Franks: The One-Armed Sailor!

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  • Out of the Pit: Right of Redemption

    “I’ll never give it up,” Stephen promises his dying father. Their hut in the hollow is all they have, but it belongs to them. The bright, sunny valley stands in stark contrast to the dark, grimy coal pits nearby . . .

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  • Secret Bridge, The

    We are brought into Bridget’s world, where she finds herself penniless and alone...

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  • Sheer Off

    Whether it’s the love of money, the whirlpool of intemperance, the iceberg of falsehood, or the sunken rock of pride, when temptation would take you as a strong current—sheer off!

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  • Silver Keys, The

    What powerful grace unlocks the grip of pride even in the hardest hearts! The author of The Silver Keys reintroduces Ned Franks, whose visits to a dying man challenge our own willingness to be inconvenienced for the sake of the gospel.

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  • Sir Knight of the Splendid Way

    Deep into the Vale of Promise ventures a young knight, Sir Constant, who desires nothing more than to be in service of the Great King. Though unworthy of this high calling, he sets forth on the perilous road that all who desire to serve the King . . .

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  • Treasure of the Secret Cove, The

    Mystery, drama, heroism, villainy, greed, tragedy, revenge, betrayal, heartbreak, and redemption can all be found in this masterpiece. You’ll find yourself in the midst of tenuous relationships that expose the hidden secrets of the heart.

    Only 46 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • White Gypsy, The

    Willy is lost. New sights and new places seem strangely familiar, but he doesn't know why. Flashbacks taunt him. Stolen by gypsies at a tender age, Willy longs to discover who he is and where he belongs.

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