Faithful, But Not Famous


(1 customer review)

Once again, a writer of old has portrayed a vivid account of a godly father who imparts the gospel to his son. This marvelous work reflects the era of the Reformation and those who gave their lives, suffering for the gospel that only Christ could forgive sins, a message contrary to the “church” at this time. Beyond this, another message is woven into this story – that of the Savior’s call on a life, even that of a child.

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1 review for Faithful, But Not Famous

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Travel to Parallel Times I love how this book is so heavily infiltrated with history! I am learning so much about this period of history that I feel like I have a much better understanding of just how corrupt the church was at this time. As I read this book, I feel my skin crawling with anger at how the Word of God was kept from the people! I am feeling desperate for truth, just like the main characters, just drinking in every word from the Bible like it’s a rare jewel! I am also seeing the depravity of human nature when the Word of God and truth has evacuated. I am truly seeing the parallel to our times now and it’s quite sobering… A very good read!

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