Clean Your Boots, Sir?


(9 customer reviews)

How often does God use tragic and painful circumstances to mold, test, and direct believers to fashion more effective tools for His work? Robert Rightheart has to face testing at every turn of his life, but the testimony of his life reveals how enduring trials yields maturity. As a young boot black, is he willing to surrender what he wants for what he knows is right? As a young man, is he prepared to stand resolute with a heart of grace in defense of his character? As Robert’s character is scrutinized from a distance, you will start to wonder how your own character would fare under the same scrutiny.

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9 reviews for Clean Your Boots, Sir?

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Highly Recommended The Character of this young man is to be admired and applauded as he wore the life of Christ. All of us, women included, would lead more souls to Jesus if we lived like this!

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Clean Your Boots Sir I was pleased to see how the main character stuck to a low paying job cleaning boots and singing while working. A very good reminder to do all things as unto the Lord. A good book for young souls.

  3. anonymous (verified owner)

    Excellent We thought the story was a great one for learning to hold fast to your faith in Jesus no matter what your circumstances.

  4. anonymous (verified owner)

    Clean Your Boots, Sir? It is a good book; so unlike today’s fluffy literature. It has some solid values written via life examples.

  5. anonymous (verified owner)

    Excellent Read My 8 year old son was completely enthralled with this story! I love that he is starting to become hungry for solid roll models in his life and this book supplied that hunger and then some. It did not hide the inner struggles and hardship, but clearly showed how Rob called out to the Savoir and overcame time and again. The story also demonstrated the good fruits of success when faithful to the little things; and clearly warned of the dangers of pride and vanity that can tempt a soul in comfortable times, and yet, once again, Rob overcame by humbly walking with his God and trustworthy brothers and sisters in Christ. A beautiful, balanced perspective on living boldly, humbly, and unashamedly for Christ, in all the circumstances in life.

  6. anonymous (verified owner)

    Very Good This has several wonderful moral applications and like Basket of Flowers has a Christ centered message. The biggest difference is the main character in Basket of Flower is a young lady whereas Clean Your Boots Sir is a young lad.

  7. anonymous (verified owner)

    Clean Your Boots Sir? How have we come so far from having our children learning godly character building to the current in your face popular book/movies out their today? What a gem of a small book ,I read it first, now have passed it on to my grandsons- thank you for using your God given skills and passion to encourage others.

  8. anonymous (verified owner)

    Learn Your Boots, Sir? I love everything about this book. I read it to my 8 year old son. We had to pause every so often (because sometimes the language they used back when it was written is different than we speak today) and explain to him what they were saying, but more pauses came from re-reading the large nuggets of gold strewn throughout. This is wisdom literature through and through, and I loved the lessons it teaches while you are being entertained with the story. It sparked some fantastic conversations with my son that I’m happy we were able to have.

  9. anonymous (verified owner)

    Did Not Like I love Lamplighter Publishing, but I have to be honest about the content of this book. The book itself was not very well written (too much narrative, and not enough conversation). It seemed to put an emphasis on wealth and riches, and it did not condemn abandonment of family members. I like the main point that the author was trying to give, but I think they did a bad job portraying the point. I feel it is right to give an honest review. I have nothing against Lamplighter Publishing for this book, they do an amazing job.

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