Peep Behind the Scenes – Dramatic Audio CD
Behind many smiling faces hides a hurting heart, for there is often a high price to pay for what appears to be glamorous. In this compelling story, Mrs. Walton gives us a glimpse into the life of a disillusioned actress. In her fabricated world of glamour and glitz, Rosalie finds solace in the words of a gentle old man who gives her a picture of a Shepherd who loves her.
Written in 1878, A Peep Behind the Scenes sold over 2 ½ million copies. Now it comes to life as a powerful audio drama! You’ll engage in the world of the traveling theatre, where Nora, enticed by fame and blinded by the romance of the theatre, quickly sees what life is like behind the scenes. You’ll meet Augustus, who thrives in the very small world that features himself, and Rosalie, whose faith shines bright in a woefully dark world. And don’t forget Betsy Ann, who’s convinced that nobody loves her—because nobody ever did—until she meets the Good Shepherd who goes to extremes to seek and to find those who are lost.
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21 reviews for Peep Behind the Scenes - Dramatic Audio CD
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anonymous (verified owner) –
Enjoyed very much My family really enjoyed this one! We use these cd’s to fill in the long trips between home and work, church etc. We live in the country, so our daily commute is long.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Highly Recommended! This story serves as a beautiful reminder that God loves every one of us, and He is the pursuer of our hearts. Moreover, it is a cautionary tale of what happens when we are strong-willed and choose to ignore the wise counsel of those who love us, as well as a heartening tale of God’s mercy and the second chances given to us all. Rosalee’s life is a magnificent example of how God intertwines all the seemingly insignificant encounters we have with others into a gorgeous tapestry of his grace and mercy, and how even the smallest act of kindness or cruelty can have far reaching effects!
anonymous (verified owner) –
A Peep Behind the Scenes This is a well done story. The portrayal of the sordid and seedy side of life is appropriate for the younger crowd. The story is heart-wrenching, hopeful and tender. The picture of the Good Shepherd is central to the story, but we come to the saving knowledge of Christ through His Word, not through extra-biblical means such as pictures, stained glass windows, beads, or any other such means. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” A person who has had plenty of the Truth of the Word could have the Content to understand the biblical meaning of the picture, but no one could understand the picture apart from the Content of the Gospel without it first being read/preached/meditated on. The people in this story DID receive the Content of the Gospel, but that was not emphasized, rather it was the picture. We have to be so diligent to follow the way that God has set forth for us to know Him in a saving way. We can not come to God on our own, it is a work of the Holy Spirit in conjunction, and never apart from, His Word.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Highly Recommended The kind Shepherd truly calls His own and guides them to green pastures and cool waters. A touching story of hope and God’s love and sovereignty.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Excellent! The Lamplighter stories are just fantastic. They are so pungent, clear and inspiring as to how to live ones’ life in God’s grace. The CD’s are technically awesome and the acting is superb. Everyone I share them with is surprised and delighted. Thank you, all of you for the dedication and many, many hours of hard work you do to bring these to us. God bless.
anonymous (verified owner) –
A Tender Story Even as a woman in her 50’s, this remains a favorite of mine! Tender, heart-breaking in places, yet real lessons about what is important in life. Yes, God’s Word is the perfect and best place to find the full disclosure of Him and His character, but He will use many a means to reveal Himself when His Word is not available — the very heavens declare His glory! I was touched by the simple trust of Rosalie in the love of the Good Shepherd who seeks the lost sheep He loves. I’ve listened to this over and over and enjoy it every time.
anonymous (verified owner) –
A Peep Behind the Scenes This is the 2nd audio CD I have listened to. Both were excellent and bears listening to again and again.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Peep Behind the Scenes Beautiful story…Lamplighter tenderly addresses real to life, painful subjects. Thank you! The children begged me to keep driving so they could hear the ending. The scripture also had a big impact them.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Highly Recommended! What a wonderful story! And the dramatized version takes you right into the life of the characters. Highly recommended!
anonymous (verified owner) –
Excellent Story We loved this audio dramatization. It is such a good picture of God’s care of His children in difficult circumstances. It also is a testimony of sharing the gospel and its impact on other people’s lives. Highly recommended!
anonymous (verified owner) –
Exciting What a wonderful story and the acting was clearly perfect and precise. Your imagination runs with the story and never slows down.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Another Great Audio Drama! Lamplighter’s audio dramas never disappoint! The whole family is enthralled throughout each. This one was no different.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Amazing Story! An amazing dramatic story. Very well done!
anonymous (verified owner) –
Love It! I laughed, I cried, It was a Beautiful Story.
Highly Recommended.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Impressive! Loved, loved, loved this radio drama. I will share it with others. Keep up the great work!
anonymous (verified owner) –
Wonderful, Timeless Story This is our fifth audio drama from Lamplighter Theater. Ever story is touching and has fantastic life lessons. I highly recommend this story.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Oh! What Can I Say?! Thank you Dear Jesus, for being the Good Shepherd! Jesus is THE ONLY WAY TO BE SAVED!!! JESUS IS THE DOOR!! So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (See John 10:7-10) GOOD STORY! THANK YOU!
anonymous (verified owner) –
Love This Story I love this story. There are many lessons to be learned from this story. It is very faith building.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Highly Recommended A touching story that draws you in till the very end. The Lamplighter collection delights our entire family.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Highly Recommended This was an anniversary gift for our dear former pastor and his wife. She is completely blind and they love listening to stories. They love “A Peep Behind The Scenes,” as we also do. We encourage people to purchase this for themselves and also share with others.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Highly Recommended “A Peep Behind the Scenes” is a beautiful story with profound meaning. I have listened to it twice, and will listen more times as its message reaches deep down into the heart.