Charlie’s Choice


(10 customer reviews)

Charlie dreams of a better life where money can cure all ills. When his dream is just within his grasp, he must make a decision that could separate him from his mother, father, brothers, and sister forever! This story proves Solomon’s proverb to be true: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Charlie’s Choice is sure to become a family favorite for years to come.

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10 reviews for Charlie's Choice

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Charlie’s Choice I love all of your books. They all have such good moral content and many of them point to the Savior. They are all beautifully bound making them look very beautiful on the book shelf also! Thanks. I know they will be passed down to many generations.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Great Great!

  3. anonymous (verified owner)

    GREAT CHOICE We homeschool our 11 year old son using great literature as the basis for his learning, and I read this book to him as a bed time read-aloud. He loved the story line so much he insisted we take it camping with us so that we could continue the story.

    All throughout the book, our son commented about how sad it was that Charlie thought more about money than about his family who loves him. The adventures Charlie had were interesting and kept our son engaged with the story. And, he immediately knew and understood who and what (Charlie’s friend) Sam meant when he referred to “being enlisted” with the “Captain of our souls”. As a believer in Jesus Christ who is trying to live by His Word, it was a beautiful moment as a parent when our son said to me that he knew that Sam was talking about Jesus.

    Aside from the fact that Charlie’s Choice is a beautifully bound book, it is foremost an engaging story that contains great character messages. It is filled with issues that can lead to great discussions and can be a wonderful teaching tool.

  4. anonymous (verified owner)

    Great Book or Audio Drama We started listening to Charlies’ Choice as an audio drama on the web site. We missed a couple episodes and that’s when our first book order came. The girls are enjoying catching up on all they missed. My girls are 11 & 13 and definitely enjoyed this great story!

  5. anonymous (verified owner)

    A Must Read I just finished reading this story to my 4 children (2 to 15) and they loved it. My daughter 8 and my son 15 were the main audience and both couldn’t get enough. Towards the end I was weeping and both of them had tears. It is such a touching read, but also kept the kids captivated as to what was going to happen with Charlie. We did not see Charlie’s actual choice coming which made it all the more thrilling. Excellent story!

  6. anonymous (verified owner)

    Charlie’s Choice Great object lessons!

  7. anonymous (verified owner)

    Charlie’s Choice I’m so happy I purchased this book. I am really enjoying it.

  8. anonymous (verified owner)

    Very Exciting Charlie’s Choice was a very adventures book. The amazing twists and turns in the book are awesome.
    Highly recommended!

  9. anonymous (verified owner)

    Lamplighter Books are the Best! We have listened to Charlie’s Choice on audio and love it. I can’t wait to read the book!

  10. anonymous (verified owner)

    Charlie’s Choice What a wonderful book for me and now will read to children as well.

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