School Book Club

With over two and a half million books published annually, few offer life-changing, character-building stories that will have a lasting eternal influence. That’s why we are presenting the Lamplighter Collection of Rare books for all ages.

Why the School Book Club?


Character-building literature for your students
40% discount
Free shipping
Free product for school library

Already signed up?


Click below to view each month’s available titles and place your order online. 

Teachers use coupon code SBCFS2425 at checkout.

For every 10 products purchased through the program, your school library may select 1 free book from the attached list: DOWNLOAD PDF
Selections may only be made at the end of each semester by clicking HERE.

Host a Lamplighter Book Fair!

We understand the challenges students face with distractions of media and today’s culture. We also understand how difficult it is to find character–building stories full of biblical truths and captivating characters. That’s why we want to present  Lamplighter books to your school through a book fair, where we’ll feature our best-selling books and audio dramas at special book fair rates.


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