Spanish Brothers, The
The Spanish Brothers is part of the Epic Collection
“Persecution bursts suddenly upon the secret converts in Seville. Carlos was imprisoned and put to the Question, but no tortures could induce him to deny his Lord, or betray his friends.” The Inquisition. The Question. The horrors of the auto-da-fe. Through the courageous fortitude of great heroes and heroines of faith, The Spanish Brothers lifts the soul clear above the anguish to the glory that we know and believe in, strengthening our faith and inspiring us to press on.
This true account of the Spanish Inquisition will leave you speechless. The conviction and courage demonstrated by sixteenth-century believers puts our present-day calamities in perspective, sharply, yet gently reminding us of the truth of the Word and the power of our Savior’s love. All else pales in comparison.
The Spanish Brothers is a passionate book, a riveting work. It is historical, bringing us into the very presence of the individuals—ordinary yet extraordinary—who faltered neither in their faith nor their love for the One who is Truth. Their lives transcend this finite world and take us to higher ground, upon which we can—and will—rejoice forever.
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10 reviews for Spanish Brothers, The
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anonymous (verified owner) –
Wonderful Book Encouraging, inspiring. Those are the words that come to mind when I read the stories of the brave men and women captured in this wonderful book. Thank you Lamplighter!
anonymous (verified owner) –
Wonderful Book! To borrow from the Bible, after reading this book and a few other Lamplighter books I feel that other books are milk and these are meat!
This book reminded me how powerful God is in the face of human brutality.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Highly Recommended This is such a beautiful book. I was moved to tears many times throughout.
I would strongly recommend this. It certainly put in my spirit a new longing for eternity with Jesus.
anonymous (verified owner) –
I Highly Recommend The Two Spanish Brothers. An excellent historical fiction, and a beautiful book. It highlights the suffering endured by the Christians of Spain. This book will acquaint you with many heroic characters, and inspire you as you follow the lives of the two Spanish brothers. I am completely satisfied with this book, and would highly recommend it.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Absoluting Riviting Faith inspiring, Spanish intrigue, and valuable lessons in the gospel, faith, courage, perseverance, long suffering, and patience with an ending of unique joy to those who believe in Our Lord Jesus. Surrounded as Carlos was, he was not alone, even amongst those who called themselves Christian.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Difficult, But Faith Building! Wow. This was a difficult read but in a good way! I’d heard about the Spanish Inquisition, but never really understood all it entailed. Harsh. Brutality at its worst. I was emotionally moved in so many ways! Rejoicing at times. Crying at others. There was no way I could read this book aloud to my children. It’s one of those books you gotta absorb on your own. God challenged my heart, for sure. Persecution in America is NOTHING like what Believer’s faced in Spain back then. Yet, am I willing to go through it with the attitude Carlos and the others did? Seeing not the torture so much as seeing Christ in it! And the forgiveness shown to the torturers… Wow. Could I forgive like that? Yes, I highly recommend this book for high school age and older. Be prepared to be challenged in your faith. Let God meet with you. Take the time to absorb it. This is meat – no “fluff & stuff” here.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Unforgettable This is one of those rare books that never leaves you because it truly touches your heart.
I was both convicted and greatly inspired by the courage and faithfulness of the heroes and heroines of this book.
It is long but does not drag and is just so rich, oozing truth and beauty in the midst of ugliness, light in unspeakable darkness.
It’s a keeper.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Transcendent The Spanish Brothers surpasses the best of historical Christian novels in vividness, poignancy, and power. The gospel is displayed in brilliant clarity contrasted to the darkness of the Spanish Inquisition. The darker the world is, the brighter the Truth shines, and the author demonstrates this beautifully.
What struck me most was the book’s grasp on eternity, not as a distant concept but a present reality from which mortal doubts and fears hide in shame. Infused with eternal perspective, The Spanish Brothers is centered around the compelling imperative to lose all for Christ. All the pain and agony Carlo endured were but “momentary, light affliction” which ultimately produced for him “an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison” (2 Cor 4:17).
The gospel message presented is perhaps best summarized by Martin Luther: “Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; the body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still— His kingdom is forever!”
anonymous (verified owner) –
Extremely Informative! The Spanish Brothers is a great story with a great look into our History as Christians. I enjoyed the faithfulness of Carlos to both his brother and to his God. We can learn so much from this story! A must read for Christians, History lovers, and anyone who wants to be “Called, Chosen, and Faithful “.
Megan Adams (verified owner) –
I am a history lover, and a book lover (which generally go hand in hand🙂). The Spanish Brothers was an exciting, extremely informative book and another must read from Lamplighter…it will capture your attention from the first page! Wonderful lessons in unconditional love and faithfulness to both our God and our loved ones!