Publisher’s Picks – Renaissance


Publisher’s Picks are designed for those who have seen this fascinating collection of books and wondered which books would be best for their children. We have sleected an array of stories for each age group to give you a taste of what Lamplighter books are all about.
Renaissance Picks are for ages 9-14.
Basket of Flowers
Captive, The
Charlie’s Choice
Crew of the Dolphin, The
Hedge of Thorns, The
Little Lamb, The
Rising to the Top
Robbers’ Cave, The
Shipwrecked, But Not Lost
Stick to the Raft
Three Weavers
Throw Me Overboard
Wanderer in Africa
White Knights
  • Basket of Flowers, The

    Book of the Year 1996. This first book of the Lamplighter Rare Collector Series continues to be a best-seller. James, the king's gardener, teaches his 15-year-old daughter Mary all the principles of godliness through his flowers.

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  • Charlie's Choice

    Charlie dreams of a life of luxury and ease - and is determined to find it. He will not be doomed to a life of toil and poverty. But will his quest for a better life doom him to far greater evils - to the danger of growing up proud and hard . . .

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  • Crew of the Dolphin, The

    The crew of the Dolphin faces great peril, being swept away in crashing waves and crushing winds. But this is not the fiercest storm they face. The insurmountable surges of greed and deceit are far worse, bringing exposure, disgrace, and ruin. Yet . . .

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  • Hedge of Thorns, The

    John must find out the secret that has been kept from him for so long—what is on the other side of the hedge? Desperate to break through, he devises a scheme, ignoring the impending danger.

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  • Little Lamb, The

    While gathering strawberries, ten-year old Christina finds a shivering lamb that has strayed from its home, and she delights in the thought of caring for it. When confronted with the decision to return it to its rightful owner, her honesty and . . .

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  • Rising to the Top

    "There's two things as always come to the top; one's merit-t'other's scum. Which of them is to rise first, I can't tell, but neither will lie at the bottom long." You'll want to stand up for the honor of poor victimized Bob, but in the end you'll . . .

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  • Robbers' Cave, The

    Ambushed! It all happened so quickly! Horace’s ankles are locked in chains, preventing him from rescuing his terrified mother as she is dragged away by their captors. She has only seven days to return with the answer that could save her son!

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  • Shipwrecked, But Not Lost

    Experience the utter fear of abandonment, the tension of frigid desolation, and the resolute determination to survive in Shipwrecked, But Not Lost. This breathtaking episode will keep you on the edge of your seat as you follow the spectacular events . . .

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  • Stick to the Raft

    Fifteen-year-old Hans Richter travels far from home to find work in the locks of a river. His father had taught him that there is a Raft that will support him in the deepest waters and amid the fiercest storms. When Hans becomes the target among . . .

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  • Three Weavers, The

    This is a special allegory for fathers to read to their daughters. As the story goes, once upon a time there were three weavers, and to each was born a daughter. The "watcher of weavers" prophesied, "A royal prince shall seek to wed thy child," but . . .

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  • Throw Me Overboard

    Now here is a story with a twist. When faced with false accusations and public humiliation, our hero shows us how to do what’s right, even when taking the easy way out could have cleared his name. As he travels the tempestuous seas of . . .

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  • Wanderer in Africa, The

    In the desert sands of Africa, David Aspinall finds himself in the wastelands of greed. He had left his farm and family in search of adventure, but he never expected this!

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  • White Knights, The

    Horace, Percy, and Cyril are ordinary boys who love the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Their discerning pastor starts a club for boys - The Order of the White Knights - challenging them to be chivalrous in their own . . .

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