Lost Ruby, The
This is the story of young Lieutenant Wildberg and the heavy price he pays for succumbing to the subtle temptation of worldly logic. Though at first his “indiscretion” seemed to accomplish a great and noble good, it eventually brings grief and harm to those he loves. He learns that “even the most trivial lie is an evil seed.” (The second story in this volume, The Lost Child is as powerful as The Lost Ruby.)
Interview on KNEO about The Lost Ruby:
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8 reviews for Lost Ruby, The
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anonymous (verified owner) –
The Lost Ruby I read this book out loud to my granddaughter. We both loved it and eagerly awaited each nights reading.
anonymous (verified owner) –
An Adventure in the Folly of Youth An adventure into the folly of a youthful moment. May those who are prone to ‘feeling’ the right way learn from this tale of folly, to ‘think’ the right way.
anonymous (verified owner) –
The Lost Ruby I found it was full of very strong values for young readers written in an engaging way to get them across. Well worth having in a child’s library.
anonymous (verified owner) –
A Masterpiece A great story for young and old that shows that even the most noble of intentions can lead to pain and grief when you brake the law of God and that it is never too late to make things right.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Very Good Read! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book — the second time more than the first, I think! Very good character lessons, and not overly verbose. I really appreciate the books that Lamplighter puts out. One can always count on a good story with a Godly message. Definitely worth the money!
anonymous (verified owner) –
Quick Read It’s a quick read but thought provoking, I appreciated how it showed through two different cases that the ends don’t justify the means. And the 2nd story was very sweet. A poor mother had taught her son the importance of industry and he remembered that for the rest of his life.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Recommended His stories were very short but thought provoking and something I believe our children can learn from. He writes highly of moral character in a way people rarely do these days, but in a way that they should.
anonymous (verified owner) –
Very Good Short stories but very thought provoking. Though the stories would be very good to read to children, I would also argue that they hold a lot of wisdom for adults. I recommend this book.