Inheritance, The


(2 customer reviews)

A faithful grandson seeks to find help for his blind grandfather. When the old man finally opens his eyes, he sees a painting on the wall before him and realizes that this is the very house where he buried a wealthy man’s inheritance fifty years ago. To their surprise, much more is found than earthly treasure!

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2 reviews for Inheritance, The

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Wonderful! We recently finished the first story in this book. Our family related well to the intense financial trial in this story. It provided an excellent tool for discussing and focusing on the goodness of God as our ultimate provider and how we should respond to hardship regardless of whether or not we understand why. God is good all the time and has a plan that sometimes spans beyond our lifetime and comprehension. The Inheritance demonstrates a great example of this.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Very Good I read this book and was so blessed by it, that I gave this one as a gift to a 13 year old.

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