Boys of Grit Who Changed the World (Vol. 2)


(2 customer reviews)

Did you know that a simple blacksmith mastered twenty foreign languages primarily because he valued every spare moment of his time? Discover the accomplishments of a highly motivated young man whose entrepreneurial spirit started a revolution in manufacturing and labor that has shaped modern-day industry. While some people simply give up when faced with seemingly overwhelming obstacles, these young men did not let difficulties stand in their way. Boys of Grit Who Changed the World presents powerful examples of hope, perseverance, determination, and resolve through such influential men as Walter Scott, Robert Fulton, and Samuel Morse.

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2 reviews for Boys of Grit Who Changed the World (Vol. 2)

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Highly Recommended Well written. Exciting stories of boys with every kind of disadvantage in life who overcame to accomplish great things for the world. Would recommend this as reading for young or old but especially for young boys.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Excellent Book for the Whole Family We are loving this book! My 10 year old son, who generally is not a fan of our read aloud time, looks forward to it with this book! He actually said, “Mom, I really like this book!” Thank you Lamplighter for publishing books that are full of people and characters I’m not afraid of my kids emulating!

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