Parable of the Two Millstones, The


(4 customer reviews)

In the home of a rich merchant, two hard heads with fiery tempers abide. Like the age-old story of the Prodigal Son, the distress that comes with stubborn pride gives way to a softening of heart. Though God often leads His children in mysterious paths, it is always for their good. The Parable of the Two Millstones illustrates just how powerful the gift of forgiveness can be.

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4 reviews for Parable of the Two Millstones, The

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Excellent Book My husband immediately started reading this book to our children age 10, 8, and 6. They beg for him to continue each night. The book is a beautiful edition that will be treasured in our house for years to come.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Highly Recommended Two heads are not always better than one….at least not two hard ones. The Lord gives us specific instructions on obeying our parents without question, but it also tells parents to not frustrate their children either. When we don’t follow those instructions, nothing good comes of it. Sometimes we pay a high price for choosing to behave in a way contrary to what God tells us. A must read for fathers.

  3. anonymous (verified owner)

    Challenging This story kept me going until I read the whole book. Do not be strong headed but humble and forgiving is the theme. Every child would benefit from reading this book. Adults also.

  4. anonymous (verified owner)

    Great Story! The Two Millstones is very good though I must say I almost liked the second story in the book better. Seppelli The Swiss Boy was an encouraging story about a boy, obviously, and his family. I won’t give any spoilers because you should read this one. Reading is also a lot better than some other things we could be doing. A really good book!!

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