Damaged Little Lamb, The


The Little Lamb
Author: Christoph von Schmid
Written in: 1848
Pages: 144

The Little Lamb is part of the Fireside Collection and the von Schmid Collection

A family torn asunder by war, an invalid mother, a missing child, and a lost lamb all have one common theme—the innocent sometimes suffer. But in von Schmid’s unique approach to life and its mysteries, he teaches us all how suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope removes all shame. As the main characters move from the darkness of despair to a hope that is greater than their fears, they soon learn how God can take the most unlikely and innocent of all creatures, a lamb, to bring about the greatest of redemptions and reunions. This is a must read!

“Thursday, I had a day off from work and we read most of The Little Lamb together on the couch. I think I had intended to read a couple of chapters…but the children kept saying ‘another chapter, please!’, so we kept reading. It was a wonderful and relationship-building day. So, I see the immense value these books hold. Anything that can keep a 5 year old daughter snuggled by her daddy on the couch is a wonderful thing!” – Jason

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*Damage does not affect readability. Damage may include minor problems such as bent corners, faded covers, or an upside-down/double-stamped cover. These items are non-returnable after purchase.

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