Best for Girls Ages 6-11 (3 Books)


Teach your girl the virtue of obeying in Little Threads–a story she’ll never forget! She’ll love the stoy of Millie, whose simple faith melts the hardest of hearts in Probable Sons. And she’ll be thrilled with the adventures of a little girl who gives up her precious white dove, and ends up saving the lives of those around her.

As we raise our daughters in a world that challenges our values, let’s teach them godly virtues through stories they’ll remember for the rest of their lives!


Little Threads – $19

    Theme: Yielding to Authority

Probable Sons – $18

    Theme: Obedience

The White Dove – $14

    Theme: Selfishness vs. Selflessness


  • Little Threads

    It was Mrs. Prentiss' intent that this little gem would be a tool through which children would learn to obey. Read about the contrasting lives of Tangle Thread and Golden Thread; one is the cause of much grief for her godly mother, and the other . . .

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  • Probable Sons

    Unable to say the word "Prodigal," Milly finds herself confronting her rigid, self-absorbed uncle as a true "Probable Son." This English country gentleman has no time or patience for children, but little Milly melts the heart of everyone she meets . . .

    Only 8 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • White Dove, The

    Filled with the intrigue of knights and nobles, thieves and robbers, this is a story of friendship and sacrifice. A little girl agrees to give up her precious white dove to prove her friendship, and lives are miraculously saved.

    In stock (can be backordered)

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