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The Unbounded Confidence of a Grateful Heart

“Oh Marcus, the wisest man who ever lived said you can look at life one of two ways. From under the sun, or from under heaven. When we are simply under the sun we are blinded by the daily grind of life. Our colorless joyless existence. But when we are under heaven,...

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Why Mark Hamby Loves Halloween!

It took me years, but I think I have finally figured out the confusion surrounding that most controversial of holidays: Halloween. But before I divulge the secret history of Halloween, I would like to share my personal journey. As soon as I gave my life to Christ, I...

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When Adults Act Like Children

Dear Mr. Finnian: I’m nine years old and really confused about something I saw on television. Yesterday my parents punished me for calling my friend a liar. I’m not usually a mean person but he wasn’t telling the truth and what he said made the other kids think I was...

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The Company of the Committed

Discover the form of commitment that our country truly needs to reclaim at this critical hour.Overindulgence, moral apathy, national complacency – all of these traits which are so characteristic of our current society bear a disturbing similarity to the problems faced...

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Avoiding the Pitfalls of Empiricism

Learn how this 17th century scientific philosophy is still leading people astray and affecting the political discourse of today.In the Mystery corner of the Ask Finnian website we generally try to provide articles which offer insight into how the world works as we...

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