Standing with Grace


(9 customer reviews)

It is astonishing how much influence one person can have in raising or depressing the spirits of the whole company. Grace Avery’s consistent life of love and conviction has the effect of leaven among her wealthy, worldly friends. Every unselfish act or gentle word has a profound impact on even the most devious characters.

When the gospel is lived out in simplicity and power, none can resist, for indeed, “when a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone, but if it dies, it will bring much fruit.”

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9 reviews for Standing with Grace

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Very Highly Recommended This is definitely the best title in the Lamplighter collection! My other top favorites are #2,”The King’s Gold,” and #3,”The Secret Bridge.” But “Standing With Grace” is definitely #1 by far. Grace is a great example of a godly woman living out her faith.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Another Great One I told my wife that this is a great instruction book on how to live with non-Christians that you love. Overcoming adversity is another theme. In short, this is a very good story with nice characters… a book that you will not want to put down. If you liked, “On the Edge of a Moor” you will like this book a lot. Very enjoyable.

  3. anonymous (verified owner)

    Excellent Read! This book is a great read. Grace is a very good example of how we should be. I love how the author uses the leaven, leavening the whole lump in the way of the Christian putting a little Godly leaven in the lives of others to encourage them to do the right thing and to look to the Lord. This one is for sure a favorite of mine.

  4. anonymous (verified owner)

    Very Enjoyable I liked the way Grace made her choices to stand on the Bible and never turns back or complains when things get hard.

  5. anonymous (verified owner)

    Standing With Grace I read this book to my 12 year old daughter,we absolutely loved it. Grace, a young adult was steadfast, did not compromise her beliefs despite opposition and worldly surroundings. She carried herself with a gentle spirit and battled with her flesh when her temper was sparked. Her godly example influenced others by giving herself to serve with humility and gladness. This is our second Lamplighter Book and have not been disappointed-we look forward to our next book!

  6. anonymous (verified owner)

    Couldn’t Put It Down I picked this book up intending to read a chapter or two before bed and then stayed up until midnight finishing it. It’s that good!
    This is a simple, straightforward, perhaps rather predictable story, but it exudes Scripture, teaches solid doctrine, and I even learned a new-to-me old hymn from it!
    It’s a new favorite. I recommend this for just about anyone and intend to purchase a copy for both my grandmother and my little sister.

  7. anonymous (verified owner)

    Thought Provoking! I read this book, and was very challenged. I was encouraged by the amount of impact one young lady standing firm in the Lord had on several people. I could honestly say that I would like to be like Grace in the story, standing firm on beliefs and convictions all to the Glory Of God! Very highly recommended!

  8. anonymous (verified owner)

    Wonderful, Highly Recommended! Got this for my 13 yr old for Christmas. She read it in 3 days and absolutely loves it!! Great Christian themes and lessons. We will be purchasing Lamplighter Books regularly.

  9. anonymous (verified owner)

    A Must Read I would highly recommend this book to any Christian but especially those who are tried with their beliefs. Grace’s faithful consistency in her walk with God even when she was surrounded by those who believed differently greatly inspired me. It is amazing to think that the hardest times for us to take a stand can be the greatest moments of influence. As a college student, this really helped me!

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