Publisher’s Picks – Epic


Publisher’s Picks are designed for those who have seen this fascinating collection of books and wondered which books would be best for their children. We have sleected an array of stories for each age group to give you a taste of what Lamplighter books are all about.
Epic Picks are for ages 12 & Up.
  • Frozen Fire

    You are about to meet a young girl who changed the world! The events that led up to Betty’s pivotal decision demonstrate the true meaning of humility, servanthood, and love.

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  • Glaucia, The Greek Slave

    Glaucia, the Greek Slave masterfully depicts the intricacies of a momentous time in human history. Ancient Rome and Greece are the backdrop for this dramatic account of the early Christians, whose belief in the one true God stands in stark contrast . . .

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  • Mary Jones and Her Bible

    In the rugged and meager land of Wales, Mary longs to learn more about the Word of God. This true story takes place in a town where food and clothing are difficult enough to obtain, but young Mary longs for nothing more extravagant than her own Bible.

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  • Prisoners of the Sea

    Amidst the tumult of life at sea, myriad adventures of piracy, capture, and escape stand in contrast to the heroic, steady determination of Huguenot heritage. The final chapter adds to the intensity as it meets us head-on with a bolt from the blue. . .

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  • Titus: A Comrade of the Cross

    Lamplighter's dramatization of the award-winning story, Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, will keep you guessing--from the mysterious disappearance of the high priest's son to the breathtaking culmination on that sacred hill, Golgotha.

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