Education of a Child: The Wisdom of Fenelon – Hardcover


(2 customer reviews)

Francois Fenelon offers a brilliant, common-sense approach to education and parenting. Commissioned to educate the grandson of King Louis XIV and prepare him for the throne, Fenelon abandoned all modern approaches to education and followed the genius of the ancient Hebrews, Egyptians, and Greeks.

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2 reviews for Education of a Child: The Wisdom of Fenelon - Hardcover

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Highly Recommended Excellent parenting advice for anyone dealing with challenging behavior.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Some Gems There are a few great gems in this book, but I don’t think it is priced appropriately at $15. Although the book is 155 pages, it is only 5 inches by 3 inches. I suggest waiting until there is a sale to purchase this book.

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