Damaged Shepherd of Bethlehem, The


The Shepherd of Bethlehem
Author: A.L.O.E.
Written in: 1862
Pages: 360

The Shepherd of Bethlehem is part of the Epic

What do two spoiled brothers, an illiterate servant girl, a salty old sailor and the town mischief maker have in common? You’ll find out in this exciting book by A.L.O.E, the first volume of the Pictures of Faith Series. There is no question that The Shepherd of Bethlehem will bring the Scriptures to life like no other book, as a fresh look at David’s life reaches deep into your heart, cutting and pruning and drawing you ever closer to your very own Shepherd-your very own King!

“I liked The Shepherd of Bethlehem because it was easy to understand. I also liked it because it describes every day life in England. It was actually like a devotion book to me with the story of David. I enjoyed it a lot!” –Elisabeth (10 years old)

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*Damage does not affect readability. Damage may include minor problems such as bent corners, faded covers, or an upside-down/double-stamped cover. These items are non-returnable after purchase.

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