A Gift for Her: Mom’s Book Bundle (3 books)


 These three stories will encourage, challenge, and comfort. Moms will be encouraged to become more acquainted with Christ as they meet Bridgette waiting for Him as a bride awaits her bridegroom. They will be  challenged to be like Rhonda as she meets with opposition and trials from every direction, even from within herself. Moms will find comfort as they read about Rosalie who finds solace in the words of a gentle old man who gives her a picture of a Shepherd who loves and cares for her. The Secret Bridge, On the Edge of a Moor, and A Peep Behind the Scenes, perfect gifts for mothers.
Bundle Includes
The Secret Bridge – $28
Theme: Faith, Trust, Loyalty
On the Edge of a Moor – $25
Theme: Self-sacrifice, Salvation
A Peep Behind the Scenes – $23
Theme: Salvation, Living for the Lord
  • Secret Bridge, The

    We are brought into Bridget’s world, where she finds herself penniless and alone...

    Only 38 left in stock (can be backordered)

  • On the Edge of a Moor

    In an age of chaperones, high society, and civilized city living, a young woman withdraws from the traditional customs of her day...

    In stock (can be backordered)

  • Peep Behind the Scenes, A

    Behind many smiling faces hides a hurting heart, for there is often a high price to pay for what appears to be glamorous. In this compelling story, Mrs. Walton gives us a glimpse into the life of a disillusioned actress.

    In stock (can be backordered)

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