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A Dye of High Price

You may think that blue is just another hue, and while technically true, being able to paint with this color was at one time considered a break-through!So step back imaginatively in time with me… past the first World War, right on by the Industrial Revolution, back...

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The Heart of Artistic Excellence

I’ve often dreamed of being a master potter. There’s something romantic about shaping beautiful vessels out of formless clay. One of my favorite potters, Josiah Wedgewood, shaped some of the most beautiful pottery in the world. He valued excellence, beauty, and...

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Secrets of the Moss Piglet

Behold, the beauty and brawn of my latest realization of God’s amazing creation! I present for your edification, fascination, and inspection, the mighty tardigrade. Whatever this tiny creature may lack in size, it more than makes up for in terms of its remarkable...

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Is God to Blame?

When bad things happen, do you blame God?It's a natural response. We've all complained; “Why me, God?” And if our personal tragedy is serious enough, we become overwhelmed and even immobilized by grief and bitterness.This is why I find the Chapman family so amazing.In...

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A Poem for the Hurting

When I was listening to David Jeremiah on the radio the other day, I was struck by the story he told of one of his friends who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. God used the pain of these circumstances to refocus her vision back to Him. She wrote the following poem...

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Hearty Lentil Soup

Ingredients:Olive oil1 onion (chopped)GarlicCarrots (chopped)Celery (chopped)1 bay leaf1 cup lentils3 cups waterSalt (to taste)Pepper (to taste)In a large pot, sautee the onions in the olive oil on medium heat for several minutes, until they are translucent. Add...

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