Story of Charles Ogilvie, The
Within this little volume lie treasure troves of insight for the whole pursuit of a Christian’s life. In spite of great trials, Charles Ogilvie is committed to press on. But his preoccupation with intelligent and good-natured acquaintances lures Charles away from his once-firm convictions. Though challenged to focus inwardly on such radical change as a repentant heart, peer pressure has a strange way of making one ashamed of the gospel of Christ! A startling discovery proves that the way of transgressors is hard, and as a secret crime comes to light, Charles determines never again to scoff at the truth.
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2 reviews for Story of Charles Ogilvie, The
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anonymous (verified owner) –
Wonderful Book A great read for triumph over every Christian’s struggle – his own mind.
anonymous (verified owner) –
One of My Favorite Lamplighter Books We purchased Charles Ogilvie without any prior knowledge of the book. I loved this book!! This book shows how important it is to seek truth and continue to follow God’s truth in the Bible…no matter what others, even “Christians,” might say. Read the Bible and stay true to what God teaches you. Also, I like the life-long influence “chance” meetings can have on our lives. Very nicely balanced book.