Seven Days Left


(5 customer reviews)

What would you do if you knew you had only seven days left to live? Such
was the case with Robert Hardy, who had always lived according to the
maxim, “self-interest first.” Influential and wealthy, Robert had embraced
anything that gratified his tastes and fed his pride. But now everything has
changed as he seeks to undo the sting of his bitter past!

Seven Days Left is an ideal launching ground for thought and discussion
on many critical topics today: social justice, discrimination, human rights,
temperance, family relationships and environmental issues. A compelling

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5 reviews for Seven Days Left

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    I am Greatly Enjoying It! I have not yet finished the book but I am enjoying it greatly! It has really caused me to think, and encouraged me to live each day as if it were my last.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    Great Read! This book was such an interesting read. I had never read a book with that sort of plot. It was thought provoking and made you want to keep going! There was a small clock ticking in the room where I was reading and in light of the theme of the book it was driving me crazy!! in a good way 🙂 I would recommend reading it- with a ticking clock of course!

  3. anonymous (verified owner)

    Mediocre I picked Seven Days Left because it sounded interesting. A man with seven days left? Sure! Interesting teaser.
    Well, the book was alright. I don’t dispute the message. It was a good message. But the way the author did it was like hammering the reader over the head with it. It was very preachy. I like a little bit more subtlety. The overall plot wasn’t very interesting and the story didn’t seem very realistic. Most people don’t get visions. In addition, the story probably would’ve been more believable and powerful if Mr. Hardy had changed because of another reason, not a vision

    I wouldn’t recommend this. Though, if you like a simple plot and a clear message, go ahead.

  4. anonymous (verified owner)

    Seven Days Left This is the most challenging and amazing book I have ever read, next to the Bible. I have re-ordered copies and shared them with over 25 people! I highly recommend this book to all.

  5. anonymous (verified owner)

    Highly Recommend Beautifully illustrated with gold detail, hard cover book with nice thick pages. Gorgeous asset to any library!

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