Out of the Pit: Right of Redemption


(5 customer reviews)
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never give it up,” Stephen promises his dying father. Their hut in
the hollow is all they have, but it belongs to them. The bright,
sunny valley stands in stark contrast to the dark, grimy coal pits
nearby. But Botfield’s pit provides work for the colliers,
including young Stephen. He must be a man now and do a man’s
work—Martha and little Nan are depending on him. And he is
depending on the old Bible to teach him the right thing to do.
Through much pain, suffering, and unfathomable loss, Stephen’s
character is strengthened as he learns to forgive—as he has been


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5 reviews for Out of the Pit: Right of Redemption

  1. anonymous (verified owner)

    Integrity, Commitment, and Love This story captivated me with scenic visuals and followed with a story that inspires me to love my enemies, have integrity no matter the cost, and stay committed to my work and family no matter the hardship. The language of the original work is preserved which slows me down a bit but also allows me to savor the story and keep me in a time long ago. Children will learn great values from this book as well as having their eyes opened to hard work, living on less, and facing loss. This story can be heart wrenching but also victorious and encouraging. From losing loved ones to hearts changing for the Lord, this story keeps you captivated and rooting and cheering for the main character.

  2. anonymous (verified owner)

    A MUST READ Stephen Fern’s journey through hardship, commitment, humility, and forgiveness was utterly inspiring to our whole family! May we all walk with Christ!

  3. anonymous (verified owner)

    Out Of The Pit It makes you think it’s never about things.

  4. anonymous (verified owner)

    A Story About True Forgiveness This story is full of feeling. Emotionally rich in that you feel for the characters, especially Stephen and Martha Fern. What excellent teaching they receive from Miss Alice who really knows the Scriptures. This one is great for those struggling to forgive. It truly is about the Lord and what He asks us to do and trusting Him rather than about any temporal things. My heart went out to the characters. I smiled, then cried, then felt relief and joy, then wept… It’s powerful. There are many Scripture references, in fact the book itself is based on the teachings of Matthew 5. Captivating. Convicting. Challenging.

  5. Andrew Morris (verified owner)

    An excellent read! After reading Cobwebs and Cables I was very interested in reading another one of Stretton’s works. Like the book referenced above, the setting for this novel is not a happy one, but one of struggle seen with children that lose their home, family, and so much more! However, they have the hope of the Gospel, and that helps them even in the most trying times! This book was very good and I highly recommend it to anyone in need of a good read!

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