The Latest From The Blog
The Lemon Tree
I’m not sure what inspired the idea, but for Christmas gifts one year I gave Meyer Lemon trees to each of my children and my brother in law. Five years later they are still growing and still producing lemons. I’ve always enjoyed adding lemon to my water and have since...
In the Garden
Did you ever consider the parallels of Genesis, the Gospels, and Revelation? In the beginning there’s a garden, a tree of life, and rivers. In the gospels there’s a garden, a tree in the form of a cross, and rivers of living water. In Revelation there are trees whose...
Planted by the Stream
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that...
The Many Uses of Spruces
When Lamplighter first bought the property for our headquarters in Mount Morris, a large Norwegian Spruce stood erect in front of the building. This summer, we cut the massive 80 foot tree down. It was a hard decision, but the tree's extensive root system was...
The Unfruitful Fig Tree
I was reading in Matthew 20 this morning and came upon the scene when Jesus cursed the fig tree because it bore only leaves. Looking at the tree He said, "May no fruit come from you ever again." This may seem a little bizarre. Jesus is hungry, the tree has...
Stumbling Blocks and the 2017 Eclipse
My pastor stood not more than fifteen feet in front of the congregation. He had led us into the conversation of stumbling blocks, defining them as “a way of thinking, impregnated with hopelessness, contrary to God.” Raising his hands level with his eyes, he shielded...