Damaged Standing Strong: Firm Until the End


As soon as you enter this story you will meet a condescending father; a quiet, supportive wife; two rambunctious brothers; and a bright-eyed orphan girl.

It’s no secret that Mr. Graham married his beautiful young wife for her money, but sweet Alice Graham buries her deep hurt within and pours out all her love upon her two boys. Although Bert and Alfie are as close as two brothers can be, they couldn’t be more opposite! Alfie is a charmer, while Bert is reserved. Alfie enjoys recognition while Bert prefers solitude, working with his hands.

One day, a revival sweeps through town, planting seeds into many hearts. Yet not every seed takes root. Holding fast to his convictions, regardless of the consequences, one brother learns what it means to, “count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8) while the other is unable to stand against the taunts of his unbelieving father.

This powerful little story merges together difficult themes such as abuse, changing family dynamics, and persecution of faith. Yet in the face of such opposition arises manly integrity, biblical submission, honesty, and Christ-like forgiveness.

As you step into the pages of this book, I invite you to see yourself in the shoes of the characters within—whether you’re like Uncle Dick who struggles with forgiveness; Alfie who longs to please; Bert who faces great temptation; or Alice who learns what it means to love and respect a greedy, self-absorbed husband. 

I ask you to suspend judgment, and enjoy Standing Strong: Firm Until the End.

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